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GardenSMART :: Corn on the Cob Picks Up Tex-Mex Flavors

Corn on the Cob Picks Up Tex-Mex Flavors

By Tommy C. Simmons, an enthusiastic cook
Photograph by Tommy C. Simmons

Corn on the cob needn't be predictable. Sure, when the corn is fresh and sweet, it needs no special seasoning to enhance its natural flavor. But sometimes the family cook wants to present something different on the plate and Tex-Mex Style Corn on the Cob fits the requirement.

One bite and tasters will say, what's the seasoning? I detect lime, correct?

Correct; plus paprika and ground cayenne pepper, which add the detected zest.

If fresh ears of corn aren't available, substitute frozen. Enjoy.

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Tex-Mex Style Corn on the Cob is anything but blah!

Home kitchen-tested recipe

Tex-Mex Style Corn on the Cob

Serves 4. Adapted recipe is from McCormick recipe flyer.

  • 4 ears of corn
  • 3 tbls. reduced fat or regular mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp. paprika
  • ½ tsp. grated lime peel
  • 1/8 tsp. ground cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbls. grated Parmesan cheese (optional)
  1. Clean ears of corn. 
  2. Mix together mayonnaise, paprika, lime peel and cayenne pepper in a small bowl. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. When ready, smear the seasoned mayonnaise mixture over each ear of corn.
  3. Grill corn over medium-high heat for 10 minutes or until tender and lightly charred, turning as needed. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan (if desired) and serve.

Testing note: We often use frozen corn in this recipe and usually omit the Parmesan at the end. The corn can also be grilled on an indoor George Forman grill when it's too hot to cook outside.



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