GardenSMART :: Pretty in Pink - Be On Trend with Pink Houseplants
Pretty in Pink - Be On Trend with Pink Houseplants
By Justin Hancock, Costa Farms Horticulturist
Photographs courtesy of Costa Farms
Variegated-leaf plants are one of the hottest trends in home décor – and none are more popular than pink houseplants. They add a light, playful touch to homes and offices all year long. Here are five of our favorites here at Costa Farms.
Colorful Aglaonema
If you want an easy-care, colorful plant, you can't beat Colorful Aglaonema. These beauties grow in practically any indoor conditions, including low light or low humidity, and will forgive you if you're not good at watering them regularly. There are a number of varieties, but types such as 'Pink Dalmatian' bear green leaves richly spattered in deep pink.
Fittonias are the little fashionistas of the houseplant world. They grow well in low, medium, or bright light (as long as it's not direct sun) and like to be kept moist. Their small size makes them perfect for your desk or tabletop, and their rich pink, red, or white leaf variegation is eye-catching and attractive. You'll love how these beauties dress up an indoor space (and purify the air)!
Polka Dot Plant
It's easy to confuse polka dot plant (Hypoestes) with fittonia. Both are small statured plants with lots of pink on their leaves. They both like to be evenly moist and wilt quickly when they dry out too much (but they bounce back just as quickly). One easy way to tell them apart is that polka dot plant's leaves are splashed and spotted, whereas most fittonias are striped. Either way, these two plants look good and grow well together.
Earth Star
A relative of pineapple, 'Pink Star' earth star is fantastically easy to grow in a high-light spot. It's not super fussy about watering, so you can water regularly or treat it more like a succulent. Either way, you'll love how the green leaves are banded in rich pink. Plus, over time, the plant produces pups and multiplies!
Speaking of succulents, echeverias are super chic (and look great with earth stars!). Stay on trend with pink-hued varieties such as 'Perle Von Nurnberg' or 'Curly Locks'. Echeverias grow best in high light and like to dry out between waterings, making them perfect if your attention tends to go other places than your plants.
All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.
By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn
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