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GardenSMART :: Herb-A-Licious - A Refreshing Take on Herb Combos

Herb-A-Licious - A Refreshing Take on Herb Combos

By Sarah Greenwood, Darwin Perennials
Photographs courtesy of Darwin Perennials

Memories of the sun-drenched days of the last gardening season echo as I plan the details for the upcoming one. What went well in the Darwin Perennials trial garden? What needs improvement? What novel products will we offer our customers to set us apart? These are just some of the many questions I ponder in the relatively quiet months of winter.

While I’m in the business of trialing new plants for potential commercialization, and I imagine many of you are in the “business” of enjoying those plants, I would think that most of you contemplate these exact same questions. And it’s that last question that always captivates my creative nature: What novel product can Darwin Perennials offer to set ourselves apart?

Now, I’m not a new-for-the-sake-of-new type person. Give me a reason. Show me a solution. Better yet, inspire me! Perhaps you’re the same. With garden centers swimming in “new” it can be hard to find the right kind of new ... the kind that’s worth your time and attention. I completely get it!

It’s the job of the Darwin Perennials New Products Team to be critical and to put each potential product through its paces. So, when I tell you that I’m truly excited about the launch of our new herb combo program, perhaps I have a bit more of your attention.

Herb-A-Licious Is Here

Herb-A-Licious has so much going for it: inspired presentation for strong garden appeal, and delectable patio-to-plate performance. Something to celebrate at every level. It currently has six themed combos composed of carefully curated ingredients, each built around a specific interest. Do you like to grill? We’ve got a combo for that (Blue Ribbon BBQ). Perhaps you’re more the baking type? Don’t worry — we’ve got a combo for that, too (Bakin’ Up a Storm). Or maybe you’re a DIY cocktail aficionado? You guessed it — Darwin Perennials has you covered (Back Patio Sips).

Each combo is an easy-to-execute recipe that allows gardeners to put their own mix together, or you may find them ready to purchase at your local independent garden center. The fun themes inspire creativity and just beg for a spotlight in your garden – they’re conversation pieces, and oh-so useable, too. Perfect for gifting or keeping, these herb combos are sure to find happy homes on patios across the nation this summer.

Plants with a purpose are hot right now. Keep your patio on-trend with Herb-A-Licious!

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Back Patio Sips™

Uses: Herbal teas, DIY cocktails/mocktails
Sage Scarlet Pineapple
Basil ‘Kasar’
Stevia Sweet Leaf
Mint Mojito
Thyme Lemon

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Buzz Off!™

Uses: Mosquito repellent
Monarda Balmy™ Rose
Basil ‘Kasar’
Nepeta Junior Walker™
Mint Pineapple Variegated
Thyme ‘Coccineus’

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Bakin’ Up a Storm™

Uses: Baking ingredients, host(ess) gift
Lavandula SuperBlue
Mint Peppermint
Rosemary ‘Gorizia’
Stevia Sweet Leaf

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New Twist™

Uses: Common herbs made novel
Basil ‘Kasar’
Sage Golden
Rosemary ‘Gorizia’
Thyme ‘Spicy Orange’

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Blue Ribbon BBQ™

Uses: Grill seasonings, host(ess) gift
Rosemary ‘Barbecue’
Oregano Italian
Thyme ‘Coccineus’
Sage ‘Berggarten’
Tarragon French

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Spice Island™

Uses: Herbs for Caribbean cooking
Sage Scarlet Pineapple
Rosemary ‘Spice Island’
Basil ‘Kasar’
Mint Orange
Oregano ‘Hot and Spicy’


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GardenSMART Featured Article

By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn

With a little change in our gardening protocol we can add herbs to our gardening plan and, that can play an important part in supporting our internal health. To learn more click here. for an interesting article

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