By All-America Selections
Photographs courtesy of AAS
Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable to grow in home gardens. Continuing our series of great new plant introductions from All-America Selections, these are some of the 2017 winners in the "Edible/Vegetable category." These are the tried-and-tested tomatoes you'll want to try this year. All-America Selections was founded in 1933, "To promote new garden varieties with superior garden performance judged in impartial trials in North America."
Tomato Chef's Choice Yellow F1
The fourth addition to the popular Chef's Choice tomato series is Chef's Choice Yellow which produces hearty beefsteak type tomatoes in a beautiful yellow color. Tomato lovers and culinary gardeners will fall for this large meaty delicacy that has a sweet, citrus-like flavor with just the right amount of acid and the perfect tomato texture. AAS Judges raved about the quantity of the 10-ounce fruits that each 5-foot indeterminate vine produced. You'll enjoy harvesting 30 or more fruits throughout the season from this disease (Fusarium Wilt, Verticillium wilt, Tomato Mosaic Virus, Crack, and Scab) resistant plant with dark green leaves and well-behaved form. You'll be the envy of all your tomato-growing friends!
Tomato Midnight Snack F1
Midnight Snack is a unique indigo-type cherry tomato that ripens to red with a beautiful glossy black-purple overlay when exposed to sunlight. This coloration comes from the accumulation of anthocyanin pigments, the same reason blueberries are blue and contain healthy antioxidants. The indeterminate growth habit means vines should be staked and, lucky for us gardeners, plentiful fruits will ripen all season long! Midnight Snack is great in salads or eaten straight off the plant…a guilt-free treat any time of the day or night. Judges commented on the improved taste of this indigo tomato and said this is a "Big improvement in purple tomatoes!" This novel AAS Winner matures earlier than the comparisons, is very easy to grow and will be a unique addition to any garden.
Tomato Patio Choice Yellow F1
Patio Choice Yellow is a new compact, determinate tomato developed specifically for small spaces and container gardens. This AAS Winner produces very large yields of 1/2 ounce bright yellow cherry tomatoes on short vines that grow only 18 inches tall. This mild flavored cherry tomato sets over 100 fruit on compact plants which are perfect for urban or small space food gardeners. Consider using these beautiful tomatoes either fresh or in the oven or sun dried for a deliciously sweet treat. For even easier picking, plant in a hanging basket.
For more information and a complete list of the 2017 winners in each category, visit
All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.
By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn
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