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Enjoy Privacy in Your Garden This Spring

Enjoy Privacy in Your Garden This Spring

By Stephanie Pratt, InstantHedge
Photographs courtesy of InstantHedge

When the winter air is cold and the nights are long, it helps to start dreaming of spending warm summer days in the garden. Whether you like to keep it a private space for just you or a spot to host backyard bashes for the masses, this one element will make a huge impact on your outdoor living space: a thriving privacy hedge. It's not too late to get an incredible hedge for this summer, although it usually takes years to get one established.

Here's how you can have a lush privacy hedge in time for summer:

  1. Browse the selection available from InstantHedge. You can get pre-finished hedges in heights up to 6' for a truly instant privacy hedge, or you can select one of the 3-4' options for a lovely hedge that will provide instant appeal and will grow into a privacy hedge for the next summer.
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  3. Find where you can purchase the hedges directly, or ask your landscaper to reach out for a quote if you are using one. Working with a landscaper can have significant benefits as they can take care of the shipping arrangements and install the hedges for you.
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  5. Order by March 1st to make sure you get your hedges at the ideal planting time for your region to make the most of the spring flush (it's best to have them in the ground before they start pushing out).
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  7. Receive and install your hedge in just one day. Simply dig a trench 12" deep, 20" wide, and the length of your desired hedge, then place the hedge units in the trench end-to-end, still in their biodegradable cardboard boxes. The units weigh up to 250 lbs. each, so you will want at least one other person to help you if you are planning to DIY. Having a mini forklift or at least two hay hooks will help tremendously. Fill in the trench, apply a slow-release fertilizer, and install some type of irrigation (drip works very well). Mulching will help protect the roots for the first summer and winter.
  8. Maintain the hedge the first summer by making sure to provide ample water. There is no need to trim the hedge for the first year unless you want to even out the new growth for a more formal appearance. Since InstantHedge is already pre-shaped, the hard part has been done for you. In following seasons, you can prune the hedge on the top and lightly on the sides to maintain your desired shape and size.

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Once you have your InstantHedge in place, you can sit back and enjoy the peace and privacy all summer long.


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