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Gibbs’ Garden Design Encourages Sitting, Relaxing, Enjoying Nature’s Beauty

By Barbara Schneider, Gibbs Gardens

The Fountains Garden, a brand new, park-like area in Gibbs Gardens is now open. “I wanted to create a new and totally different garden to encourage visitors to sit a spell and just absorb—with all their senses—the beauty of nature,” explained Jim Gibbs, designer/developer/owner.

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For the past 42 years, Gibbs has designed new, beautiful gardens and provided inspiring garden experiences for all who visit his 376-acre work-of-art. Through the years he learned the hard way that time changes a garden. Not just seasonal changes or the ever-changing weather, time has a way of wearing things down with serious consequences.

This summer, the results of time appeared in Gibbs own back yard. Serious cracks developed in the pool he built behind the Manor House in 1985 for his daughters. Deciding to make lemonade out of his lemon of a pool, in June he began a complicated construction project to transform the old pool area into his new Fountains Garden. His vision included lots of open space for easy walking, reflecting ponds to mirror the clouds, beds of beautiful, fragrant flowers and two unique fountains to add the music of water. After months of construction his vision is reality.

Welcome to the Fountains Garden

The pool and area behind the Manor House, next to the Summer House and to the edge of the backyard’s wooded hillside has been transformed. One section of the original pool from the spa area was saved and redesigned as a new fountain area with bubble jets and a small pond to recirculate water. Behind this fountain, layers of flowers and seasonal plants extend toward the back of the Manor House.

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A taller fountain graced by a bronze statue of two fish is featured nearby. Beyond the fountain there are brick pavers, a big boulder to create interesting planting areas. Gibbs’ planting beds are set on different levels to draw attention to the bright colors and variety of flowers around the fountains.

“Moving water creates lots of interest,” said Gibbs. “The sounds of water move people closer. Small pools of water reflect clouds and nearby flowers. This will be a favorite place for grandparents to take their grandchildren.”

The open spaces and flat pavers make it easy for visitors to walk right up to the fountains, dip their hands in a fountain pool, splash water—or just take some photos.

Butterflies and birds are expected to become frequent visitors, too. Gibbs expects the Fountains Gardens will become bird and butterfly havens, attracting Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Eastern Black Swallowtail butterflies now and migrating monarchs during October.

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“Children will love this fountain area,” Gibbs explained. “They can bend down and splash water in the little pool, watch the reflections of the clouds or look for butterflies.”

Sit a spell surrounded by nature

Gibbs added plenty of seating with chairs and benches of different sizes. Garden benches—with backs and armrests for comfortable seating—are grouped around the Fountains Gardens, providing visitors with ample places to sit, relax and enjoy 360-degree garden views.

“Plants in the Fountains Garden flower more than once a year,” said Gibbs. “We plant for the spring-then redo and add fresh plants over the summer then in fall put in all new plants, including the tulips bulbs for the next spring. There’s fragrance everywhere from the perennials we planted.”

With two waterfall fountains, seasonal flower beds and plantings, several seating areas and plenty of space to walk around, the Fountains Garden is a wonderful place to sit, relax and enjoy the sights, sounds and fragrance of nature.

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A world-class garden experience

Honored with the National Garden Clubs’ Award of Excellence, Gibbs Gardens has been named one of the “Thirteen Best Botanical Gardens in America,” one of the Best American Botanical Gardens,” one of the “World’s 10 Best Places to See Daffodils,” a top garden in Georgia by the Atlanta Journal Constitution and Explore Georgia. To learn more about Gibbs Gardens go to

Submitted by Gibbs Gardens

All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.

Article URL:’s_Beauty

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By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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