A spectacular species of Elephant’s Ear that’s only recently been discovered and grown by plant growers, this plant is a showstopper. Its lush green leaves have something of a leathery texture, lobed margins, and small hairs. The light green petioles are stippled with purple, giving it additional interest.
You’ll most commonly see it as a tabletop plant, but don’t be fooled: With good care, this plant can get four or more feet tall with leaves that can be more than two feet long.
Though it was first discovered in the 1880s, Silver Velvet Alocasia hasn’t been available to home gardeners until now. It features silvery-gray leaves on top with contrasting red-purple bottoms. The leaves have a thick, leathery texture, so it’s more forgiving than other more common Alocasia varieties.
As it matures, the leaves can grow more than 12 inches long, creating a stunning specimen in your home.
Bold and eye-catching, Golden Crocodile Philodendron shows off outstanding color and texture! Its long, narrow leaves are a stunning shade of chartreuse. The new leaves start out a beautiful coppery-orange before they unfurl.
A semi-climbing variety, the leaves can get two feet long or more as the plant matures.
Light: Bright
Watering: Medium
Humidity: Average to above average
Ring of Fire Philodendron
Sister to Golden Crocodile, this variety makes a fantastic companion to it. Instead of being bright golden-yellow in color, the green leaves are liberally splashed with shades of white, cream, and pink. The new leaves also have a pinkish-coppery tone before they fully open.
Also a semi-climbing Philodendron variety, the leaves can get two feet long or more as the plant matures.
Here’s a plant that has it all! It’s super easy to grow, has variegated leaves, and is a fast grower! A cousin of common Golden Pothos, this species is noted for how its leaves develop Monstera-like splits as it matures. Each dark green leaf is boldly marked with cream and white.
This Pothos can climb/trail more than six feet long if you let it!
Light: Medium to bright
Watering: Medium
Humidity: Average to above average
All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.
By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn
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