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--- Anne K Moore ---

Nectar recipe for hummingbirds:
1 part sugar
(1/4 cup sugar)
4 parts water (1 cup water)

This recipe is best made fresh for each feeder.

To make a cup of nectar, which will usually fill one feeder, use 1/4 cup of sugar to 1 cup of water.

Bring to a boil on top of the stove and simmer for a minute or two.  Do not boil it down into syrup.  In my experience, nectar mix heated to a boil in a microwave will spoil much quicker than food cooked on top the stove.

Never use honey; it can cause fungal infections in hummingbirds' mouths.  Red dye is not necessary or recommended. 

Change the food outdoors every 2-3 days. 

Clean the feeders thoroughly before each refill.  Use hot water and a brush.  After cleaning, pour vinegar into all of the feeder parts, swish it around, and then rinse the parts thoroughly with hot water before adding the food.  This helps to inhibit mold growth.

The mold that grows in feeders and in refrigerated food is clear, almost like a soft jelly, that floats in the liquid.  Make sure you use fresh food and clean the feeders promptly and often.  You might not notice the fungus growing inside.

Most experts say that leaving a hummingbird feeder up during the winter is a good thing to do.  This helps any late migrating arrivals to find food on their journey.  Also, some birds are expanding their range and some are overwintering in more northern territories.

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