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GardenSMART :: Princettia Euphorbias Pack Punch

Princettia Euphorbias Pack Punch

By Delilah Onofrey, Suntory Flowers
Photographs courtesy of Suntory Flowers

Looking to liven up your holiday planters? Princettia euphorbias were bred for bold colors – the pinkest pinks and the whitest white! Their vibrant colors make holiday décor merry and bright.

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These hybrids are a little different than the standard poinsettia. Plants are more compact and branching to create many smaller floral clusters of bracts. For this reason, they make ideal centerpieces on their own or mixed with other greenery in dish gardens.

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Mix and match the five compact colors. Three are pink – Pink, Hot Pink and Dark Pink. Most popular is Pure White, which is truly as white as a sheet of paper. Traditional white poinsettias tend to be more creamy or greenish in hue. Princettia Red is a brighter cherry red color but with smaller bracts than the typical standard red poinsettia.

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For those who would like a more traditional looking plant, but still have the bright signature color, there is Princettia Queen Pink, the beginning of the queen-sized category for this brand. Plants size up a little larger than the five compact varieties.

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All over the world, pink Princettia varieties have been sold to promote breast cancer awareness. But the American audience has been less interested in pink varieties in October, when fall colors dominate. The best time to find Princettia in your market is later this month, as we get closer to Thanksgiving. It can be found at most major plant retailers and neighborhood garden centers.

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Plant care is the same for traditional poinsettias – keep away from drafty doorways. Don't overwater. And you could very well enjoy your Princettias through Valentine's Day!

For more information about Princettia, visit



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By Barbara Schneider, Gibbs Gardens
Photos courtesy of Gibbs Garden

If you think the flower show is over once summer fades … think again. Fall has its own cast of joyful and colorful characters. For an interesting article, click here .

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