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Pumpkin Spice Perennials?

By Dan Heims, President, Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc. ©2024
Photos courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries

Campers. Our plants are looking tired, yellowing, frayed at the edges, but the air is still warm. For most of us the first frost is two months away and we are looking forward to cool nights, a whisper of orange in the leaves and a garden that embraces autumn in color and spirit.

We still want to garden, but wouldn’t it be nice to stray a little bit from the mums and kale? You can.

Think of the color orange -the fallest color of all. It is made of yellow and red, perfect accents. Go to a color wheel and purple is on the far opposite side of orange providing a flawless contrast. Add some goth-black and you have a pumpkin spice combination for a container with some Halloween accents.

Where do you find these plants? Hmm, is your garden center helping or hindering you? Orange foliage plants used to be rare but Terra Nova’s breeding in a number of genera has expanded the palette astronomically. How about an orange Heuchera like ‘Southern Comfort’ or ‘Peache Flambe?’ Heucherellas like ‘Redstone Falls’ and ‘Sweet Tea’ can fill in the void. Reds? How about Heuchera ‘Forever Red’ or Mukdenia ‘Crimson Fans’? Warm yellows can be filled in with a number of Heucherellas and a cooler yellow from the likes of Heuchera ‘Lime Marmalade.’ No purple shines like Heuchera ‘Forever Purple’ and the goth character from Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’ or ‘Obsidian’ can fill the bill. Get creative, people. Here are a few select plants to make your fall a spectacle of autumnal hues.

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Heuchera ‘Black Taffeta’

Silky, black foliage chicly ruffled as if it were launched from a Parisian fashion house! Large, glossy leaves in perfect proportion to the plant. Great vigor and reliability are TERRA NOVA® trademark in the world of Heuchera. You have to see this one in person to fully appreciate its charm and elegance. Great to mix with late summer and fall-blooming perennials. Hardy in USDA Zones four to nine. Takes a sunny exposure, good drainage and likes to dry out between waterings. The white flowers rise to twenty-one inches high on an upright but compact habit, fifteen inches wide by twelve inches high. Bloomtime is May through June. Excellent in a mid-sunny or partially shady border or large container. If you are into goth, this one is for you. Try as a Halloween accent plant.

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Heuchera FOREVER® ‘Purple’

We tried so hard to name this something else, but we all came back to the name FOREVER® 'Purple' for a remarkably simple reason. It is forever purple! FOREVER® 'Purple' is a knockout with ultra-purple glossy leaves with fluted edges and great vigor. Truly short spikes of purple-pink flowers in summer and four seasons of purple. A real showstopper. Destined to become the new standard for purple foliage perennials. Hardy in USDA Zones four to nine. Takes a sunny or partially sunny exposure, good drainage and likes to dry out between waterings. Pink flowers rise to twenty-two inches high on an upright but compact habit, fifteen inches wide by twelve inches high. Bloomtime is May through September! Excellent in a mid-border or large container. Works well with autumn color blends.

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Heuchera ‘Southern Comfort’

With huge, velvety, cinnamon-peach leaves and a lush habit, this plant makes a bold foliage statement like a Hosta (but evergreen). Creamy white flowers erupt in late summer. The foliage color changes from cinnamon peach to burnished copper to amber. Bred to do well in southern humidity, the Midwest, the northeast or in the northwest. Hardy in USDA Zones four to nine. Takes a shady or partially sunny exposure, good drainage and likes to dry out between waterings. White flowers rise to twenty-four inches high on an upright habit, twenty-four inches wide by fourteen inches high. Bloomtime is August through September. Excellent in a mid-border or large container. Works well with autumn color blends and pairs well, colorwise, with pumpkins.

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Heucherella ‘Redstone Falls’

The ruby-splashed, butterfly-like foliage is adorned in wonderful, warm autumnal tones. Interest is added as these change colors through the seasons. It is so nice spilling out of a container in sun or shade or use it in your mixed beds. Heuchera villosa breeding enhances its usability in many hot and humid regions. Vigorous grower. Wonderful in an autumnal color scheme. Hardy in USDA Zones four to nine. Takes a shady, partially sunny, or sunny exposure, good drainage and likes to dry out between waterings. White flowers rise to twenty-four inches high on a low habit, thirty-six inches wide by ten inches high. Bloomtime is June through September. A truly fine basket or spreading groundcover that roots where it finds some moisture.

Dan Heims is an award-winning author who lectures throughout the world. He was recently honored by The American Horticultural Society with the Luther Burbank Breeding Award, as well as the Perennial Plant Association’s Award of Merit. He was also honored in receiving the Royal Horticultural Society’s Reginald Cory Cup for advancements in breeding. You may contact Dan at [email protected] Questions on culture and care or availability for a speaking engagement can be found at this email.

All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.

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