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Recipe - Winter Greens

WINTER GREENS, Good Things To Eat

---Chef Linda Weiss December 11, 2009---

Last Christmas, I couldn't get everyone together on Christmas Day, so we had our dinner a few days after Christmas. Knowing that I was competing with great cooks on the in-law side, as well as the children having had turkey, dressing and all the trimmings a few days before, I just took a chance and made my favorite foods hoping that I would still be in favor when dinner was over.

I shouldn't have worried. They loved everything I prepared. They were expecting the same thing they'd just had and they were about turkey'd out! So, I made pork tenderloin with Jezebel sauce, corn pudding, Brussels sprouts with brown butter and pecans, and a grand salad that was gone faster than I could put it on the table. I also made hot rolls from a family recipe.

lettuceThe huge bowl of salad was a great success. I had used baby greens in season (baby leaf lettuces, arugula, and a small amount of escarole), oranges that I had sectioned with no pith or membrane and red onions very thinly sliced. The dressing was red wine vinaigrette from the grocery aisle that has never failed me. It's better than home-made. I put the greens in a big wide salad bowl, and placed the orange sections and thinly sliced onion on top. Before serving, I dressed the greens with the vinaigrette so when a salad spoon and fork scooped into the salad, the dressing was on the greens from the bottom up. Even the grandchildren loved it.

The tenderloin and sauce were a huge success, and the turned up noses at the Brussels sprouts were soon turned into smiles, and "mom, this is really good". The corn pudding was also a huge success and it's a recipe that I can switch the corn around in to use whatever I have, frozen or fresh, yellow or white or a combination. One of my sons wanted to take the few leftovers we had home with him. And, of course I was happy about that.

For dessert I made pears poached in orange zest, and covered in dark chocolate sauce as well as cookie pies. Good thing I made two cookie pies because the guys loved them and they were finished before everyone left to go home.

In the meantime, the corn pudding and Brussels Sprouts recipes are below along with a few ideas on other late fall vegetables that are in season from South Carolina to California right now. If you'd like any of the other recipes for foods listed, then please visit my website to contact me. Enjoy these good vegetables while you can! Bon appétit my friends, would love to hear from you.


Brussels Sprouts in Brown Butter with Pecans

1 pound fresh Brussels sprouts
3 tablespoons butter
½ cup chopped pecans or hazelnuts, toasted

Remove any bad outer leaves from the sprouts. Wash the sprouts well, and place them wet into a microwave safe dish. Cover, and cook until the sprouts are tender, or steam in a steamer basket until tender. Drain after steaming if there is any liquid in the container. In a skillet large enough to hold the sprouts, heat the butter to sizzling and beginning to turn golden. Add the pecans and cook for just about a minute. Add sprouts and toss well until butter coats the outside of the sprouts. Serves 4-6.

Corn Pudding

10-12 ears white corn or 20 ounces frozen corn (from your summer garden)
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
3-4 dashes cayenne pepper
2 cups light coffee cream or 2 cups half and half
1/2 stick butter, melted
3 eggs well-beaten

Cut corn from ears. If using frozen corn, thaw and drain in a colander. Puree 1/2 the corn in a blender for 5 seconds. Combine pureed corn with whole corn in a large bowl. Add the flour, sugar, eggs, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, melted butter and cream. Pour into a 1-1/2 quart casserole that has been sprayed with a non-stick cooking spray. Put the casserole dish in a hot water bath with the water depth at about 1-inch.

Bake in a 350º oven for about an hour and 10 minutes or until corn is set and a knife blade inserted in the center comes out clean.

Visit Chef Linda at her website: and her blog:

Linda's first book, Memories From Home, Cooking with Family & Friends is available at or at her website.

All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.

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