By Wild Birds Unlimited
Photographs courtesy of Wild Birds Unlimited
Why do you feed the birds? Is it the true sense of peace that you experience every time you glance out the windows at your feeders? Maybe it is your heightened awareness of the shifting circle of the seasons, brought home by the changing birds and behaviors you see at your feeders. How about the joy you experience when introducing children to the world of nature through the abundant and beautiful birds in your yard?
Or is it the satisfaction you feel as birds flock to your feeders during severe weather, and knowing that you are actually helping them to survive another day? At this time of the year, the delight of seeing so many active and energetic birds at your feeders, combined with the knowledge that you are having a positive impact on the quality of their lives, makes feeding birds a true joy. This joy is available to everyone.
By providing just a few simple things, nutritious foods, clean water and ample shelter, birds can quickly become a valuable asset. Not a cash asset…but a spiritual asset that can reward anyone with many priceless hours of happiness and enjoyment.
For birds, nutritious foods are high fat foods, which you can provide your birds to help them survive the colder days and long winter nights. One of the best foods to offer is Wild Birds Unlimited’s Winter SuperBlend. Winter SuperBlend™ is our high fat seed blend, specifically formulated to provide birds with the essential energy and fats needed to survive whatever winter throws at them.
Other high fat foods to consider offering are suet and peanuts.
Birds need fresh water, too. Even in winter, birds need to drink and will wash their feathers to help keep them in tip-top shape for added insulation during the long, cold nights. Bird bath heaters are a way to provide open water.
A brush pile in the yard, whether big or small, offers a safe haven from weather and danger.
Bird feeding is a joyful hobby… and it should be shared with those you love. Never discount the impact it can have in bringing people and nature together for the benefit of both.
All articles are copyrighted and remain the property of the author.
By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn
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