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GardenSMART :: Small Shrubs for Small Gardens

Small Shrubs for Small Gardens

By Mark Osgerby for Spring Meadow Nursery
Photographs courtesy of Spring Meadow Nursery

Limited garden space? Fear not! Smaller spaces can have a big impact in your garden and it'll take less money and effort to make them beautiful. The key is to choose plants that won't overtake the space or require a lot of maintenance to keep them small. Proven Winners® ColorChoice® Flowering Shrubs has a wide variety of dwarf shrubs ideal for small gardens. Below are just a few options perfect for your garden.

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Bobo® hydrangea - Loads of flowers on a tiny plant! This dwarf panicle hydrangea will turn heads! Bobo® hydrangea is engulfed by large white flowers in summer. The flowers are held upright on strong stems, and continue to grow and lengthen as they bloom. No flopping, unlike some panicle hydrangeas! As blooms age, they turn pink. It is compact and dwarf in habit, and the flowers cover every inch of the plant right down to the ground. Grows 2-3 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 3-8.

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Jazz Hands® Dwarf Pink loropetalum - Jazz Hands® Loropetalum are strong growing varieties with outstanding form, flowers and foliage perfect for warmer climates. Jazz Hands Dwarf Pink Loropetalum has cool purple foliage with a cranberry undercurrent. It combines beautifully with the hot pink blooms. This showy little dwarf plant fits easily into small gardens and container gardens, and is a great match with Jazz Hands Dwarf White. Grows 1-3 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 7-9.

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Let's Dance Rave™ hydrangea - Intensely colored mophead blooms! The Let's Dance hydrangea series represents the next generation of reblooming hydrangea. They have improved flower color and attractive foliage so you have a more beautiful garden. Every year, Let's Dance hydrangeas bloom on both new wood and old wood, delivering lots of flowers and lots of wow to your landscape. Let's Dance Rave is a strong, reliable bloomer with an abundance of intensely colored flowers. Bloom color ranges from a rich violet-purple on acidic soils to a saturated pink on basic soils. Grows 2-3 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 5-9.

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Oso Easy® Paprika rose - Meet the rebels of the rose world: Oso Easy roses. Extremely disease resistant, they bloom all season long without deadheading. Oso Easy Paprika starts out as a beautiful orange, then fades to coral with a golden sun in the center. The bright orange blooms contrast beautifully with the disease resistant dark green foliage. This beauty has the habit, flower color and disease resistance that any rose lover is looking for. This rose does not need to be sprayed like many other rose varieties. Only reaching about 12 to 24 inches, it is ideal for the small garden. Grows 1-2 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 3-9.

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Oso Happy® Petit Pink rose - Petit Pink is a delightful plant for the summer garden! Romantic sprays of petite, bubble gum pink flowers and small green leaves are reminiscent of a miniature rose, but this variety is comparable to 'The Fairy' in its mature size. A very refined mound with a strong continuous bloom and exceptional disease resistance. A great rose for the shrub or perennial border. Winner of the American Rose Society's Miniature Rose Award of Excellence. Grows 3-3.5 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 4-9.

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Tiny Tuff Stuff™ hydrangea - Very hardy reblooming hydrangea! This is a real beauty, with flowers so delicate and refined that it seems strange to call them tough - but they are. Extremely bud-hardy, each year it produces abundant lacecap flowers comprised of doubled sepals. It is a rebloomer. While this plant leans to blue, the flower color may range from blue to pink to white, all soft, delicate shades perfect for the garden. Grows just 1.5-2 ft. tall and wide, USDA Zones 5-9.


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