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Take 5 Vibrant New Annuals for 2025

By Delilah Onofrey, Suntory Flowers

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A new year brings an opportunity to change things up. Think of annuals as the vibrant throw pillows of your garden, an easy refresh. Based in Japan, Suntory Flowers breeds unique varieties that take you through the season from early spring to late summer and fall. Here are five new ones to look for at your favorite plant retailers:

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Pericallis ‘Senetti Blue Spoon’

This beautiful cool-weather plant is a cousin of cineraria but more rugged for outdoor conditions. In fact, Senetti plants prefer cooler temperatures and can withstand nights dipping into the low 30s. Plants go out of flower in the summer, when temperatures are consistently warmer. Senetti Blue Spoon is similar to the striking Blue Bicolor, but the petals are shaped like spoons, creating a whimsical look. You’re most likely to find Senetti at retail with cool-weather plants, like pansies. Mid spring, you can cut them back for a fresh flush of blooms before summer arrives.

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Argyranthemum Intergeneric hybrid ‘Grandaisy Pink Halo Improved’

Grandaisy varieties are a cross between Argyranthemum and Ismelia – tricolor chrysanthemum/painted daisy. That’s where the vibrant colors and large flowers come from. Pink Halo’s blooms are even bigger now with richer colors and a darker ring around the center eye. These full, vigorous plants fill out large containers nicely. Peak spring is the best season. Plants will flower longer through the summer in Northern climates, but blooms shrink as temperatures rise.

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Petunia ‘Surfinia Heavenly Blackberries & Cream’

For 30 years Surfinia petunias have been raising the standards for garden performance. The Heavenly types are mounded and semi trailing, less aggressive than the original classic varieties. Creamy blooms have striking dark blackberry jam centers. This color combination pairs nicely with dark foliage accents like purple fountain grass, cordyline spikes, even dark sweet potato vine, if you choose a less aggressive one.

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Scaevola ‘Surdiva Fashion Pink Improved’

Surdiva scaevolas are the most compact fan flower series on the market and make outstanding bedding plants. If you want a wilder looking sprawling scaevola, then Surdiva is not for you. Fashion Pink has dramatic striping on each fan-shaped flower. Surdiva scaevolas thrive in summer heat and are available in a wide range of colors, including white, blue violet, purple, sky blue and lilac mist. They make nice fillers in container combos.

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Catharanthus ‘Soiree Double Orchid Improved’

Is this a vinca or a shrub? Soiree Double varieties look dramatically different with their vigor and flower shape. But if you look at the leaves, you’ll see these plants are vincas. Soiree Double varieties love heat and humidity and put on a great show all summer. Three additional colors are pink, white and appleblossom. Plant in beds, containers, hanging baskets. Combine with other heat-loving annuals.

Be on the lookout for these new varieties at retail this spring and summer. For more information, visit

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By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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