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GardenSMART :: The Benefits of Gardening

The Benefits of Gardening

By Park Seed
Photographs courtesy of Park Seed

Gardening is one of those amazing hobbies that span generations. It can reduce stress, be a good workout, and has amazing results—food! What started as the only way to grow food for consumption has transformed into an incredible activity with so many wonderful benefits. Gardening not only takes place on farms across the world, but also in small backyards and patios of urban apartments.

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Planting your own garden cuts down on costs and gives you the reassurance of knowing exactly where your food came from. These days there are many different chemicals and processes that our food goes through before arriving at the grocery store. When you grow your own food, you cut out the middleman and can have fresh, farm-to-table meals all year long. You can also increase the chance of getting your friends and family to eat more fruits and vegetables when they help in your garden. You save money when you purchase a pack of seeds. One pack of seeds could give you 20-50 plants with numerous yields, whereas when you buy vegetables or fruits at the grocery store, you're only getting a few items at a time for the same price as a pack of seeds.

Having your own garden helps the environment and your own yard while you return natural nutrients back into the ground. It's the perfect place to go after a long day at work to relax and destress. Taking care of plants is an exciting yet gentle process that helps your mind return to nature and reminds you of the small but important things in life.

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Gardening not only exists in the kitchen but in other parts of the home as well. Having plants and greenery around your home reduces your stress level and brings in natural air purifiers that can boost your immune system. Gather a small bunch of flowers and greenery into a vase and place them on your coffee table, side table, or counter to bring positivity into your home or workplace. While you garden, you can also unlock other skills! You may start to find yourself interested in natural/DIY essential oils, DIY makeup, nutrition, or baking! Gardening can open up a whole new world to anyone of any age.

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Your social life can also change through gardening. It can be a great way to make connections with others in your community and schools. Find local seed libraries, seed swaps, or homesteaders to build relationships with and grow together! This is a great way to spread the word of gardening and provide delicious and healthy food to those around you. Landscape design is another way to garden creatively. Designing raised gardens or unique ways to plant can be a fun and interactive way to garden by yourself or with others.

All in all, gardening is one of the best hobbies you can pick up. Not only is it beneficial for you, but also for your community and the environment. You don't have to be a certain age or have a huge plot of land to garden. You can start small on your porch with a pot of basil and watch your love for gardening grow into something much more!


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