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Visit Gibbs Gardens To Personally Experience Autumn’s Splendor

By Barbara Schneider, Gibbs Gardens
Photographs courtesy of Gibbs Gardens

The beauty of autumn foliage is fleeting. Don’t waste this season’s beauty by viewing fall color from the highway in a car traveling 40 miles an hour. Surround yourself with the majestic splendor of fall at Gibbs Gardens where autumn colors embrace its vast 376 acres.

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Fall color fills the Valley Gardens.

Mature trees of every size, shape and variety take center stage. Their leaves—bathed in vibrant shades of gold and amber—glow everywhere, from sprawling hillsides and Valley Gardens to the world-class Japanese Gardens and around exotic water features.

To truly appreciate the 360-degree magic of the season, take a leisurely stroll through Gibbs Gardens and immerse all your senses in the unforgettable experience autumn offers: Listen as gentle fall breezes brush across diverse leaf shapes to create the music of nature. View millions of vibrant flame-red leaves sparkling in the sunshine. Take a breath, smell the clean, pure fragrance of autumn-scented air. 

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The golden glow is reflected in a Japanese Gardens’ pond.

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Japanese Gardens in fall.

Hundreds of Euonymus alatus (burning bush) are sprinkled throughout the gardens to provide pops of brilliant red. Maple trees, dogwoods, crape myrtles and hundreds of companion plants bring layer upon layer of autumn color. Each year Jim Gibbs, the owner/developer/designer of Gibbs Gardens, continues his tradition of adding Japanese maples in a wide range of varieties for diversity of color, shape and size to enhance the gardens’ beauty.

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Japanese maples take center stage. 

All of Gibbs Gardens walkways and paths are designed to guide visitors across the slopes for a spectacular viewing perspective—to appear as one enormous garden drenched in fall color. Albert Camus once wisely said: “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” 

“One of the best hidden gems for fall leaves in Georgia is Gibbs Gardens, located in Ball Ground. Gibbs Gardens ranks as one of the most extensive residential estate gardens in the United States,” wrote Leah Shoup in “The 15 Most Beautiful Places to See Fall Foliage in Georgia.” (Gringa Journeys, August 2022.)

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Monet Garden where every leaf is as beautiful as a flower.  

A world-class garden experience

Honored with the National Garden Clubs’ Award of Excellence, Gibbs Gardens has been named one of the “Thirteen Best Botanical Gardens in America,” “2020 Best American Botanical Gardens,” one of the “World’s 10 Best Places to See Daffodils” by Flower Magazine, and “a top garden in Georgia” by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Explore Georgia. To learn more about Gibbs Gardens go to


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