about different plants and seeing beautiful gardens but they also enjoy the information in each show that can be applied to
their own homes and gardens. To this end Chad has created a beautiful wreath filled with plant material that was obtained
either here at the gift shop or at the local craft store. Chad proceeds to tell us how to make this wreath. (More information can be
found by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.) First choose about 60-75 plants, cuttings would be best. Chad has chosen small
Crassula, Gasteria and Harworthia to make up the bulk of the wreath plant material. These are in the Aloe family or related to Aloes.
Chad obtained a form from the craft store, you could make one. He also purchased moss and wire at the craft store. He then pressed the
moss on the form, wrapping it in place. Do the same to the top part of the form. Really pack it in, so it holds all together. In the
trench he put the potting soil. Chad used a succulent mix, a good sandy, well draining medium works best for most of the succulent
plants. Put the 2 sides of the form together, mash it up tight, tie it. Next decide where you want the wreath to be. If something that
hangs up, it will be planted differently than if it is going to sit down with a candle in the middle. Chad's will be laying flat. But if
hanging up one would accent the bottom part. Remember to plant on either side of the central wire. A dribble is used to create holes. He
puts a little Gasteria in the hole, making sure to get the roots in. This is why cuttings work best, they're easier to stick in. A
little chopstick is used to help inch it in place and into the potting soil. If it becomes a problem getting the plant to stay it could
be initially wired in with floral wire. Be careful not to overplant, remember these plants will be growing and will look their best in
about 2 months. Joe thinks this is a great project, one he will try and feels it is one everyone across the country could complete and
Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.
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