Show #2/1502
Maui Tropical Plantation
These bananas are dwarf Musa acuminata apple Banana Tree. Interestingly one banana tree produces one bunch of bananas. While the tree is producing or flowering, then producing the bunch
it is also sending up young plants to replace it. So, as the tree grows, the bunch grows and the young plants around it start growing as well. After about 12 to 16 months of growing
time, the tree, if a very tall tree, is cut in the back to make a hinge. The bunch is lowered to the ground and removed from the tree. One bunch will generally weigh 25 to 30 pounds.
Then the tree is removed completely. The tree is left in the banana area so that as it decomposes it becomes mulch, their compost. The banana bunch is cut into hands. Mother Nature
provided a guideline where to cut, so they have a special banana knife for that. The hands are removed from the bunch, then separated into smaller hands. They'll then be taken up to the
farm where they'll be put in a cooler, where they'll be gassed so that they'll all ripen at the same time. Then they'll be ready for market. Apple bananas aren't as sweet as Bluefield or
Chiquita bananas, they have a little different taste. It's the taste one must get accustomed to but they are delicious for eating.