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Show #3/1503
Maui Garden Tour

Sense of privacy

THE CHOICE OF PLANT MATERIAL IS EFFECTIVE IN CREATING THE SCREEN. The Samanea saman Monkeypod trees are quite tall, but rather than block out the entire borrowed view of the trees on the other properties Hunton put in a hedge of Polyscias fruiticosa Ming Arelia which grow to about 6 feet. These are 13 years old and have been this size for some time. These hedges allow them to bring in light and a sense of space but at the same time not close it up. Richard feels many homeowners that have small properties want a screen plant that can grow to 30-50 feet tall and when it does they feel like they're in a closet. Hunton here wanted to allow air to pass through the property and not to have that sense of enclosure. He has also used Heliconia Dwarf Heliconia 'Parakeet' which is a true tropical. This variety is called Parakeet. There are Bougainvillea surrounding the property, one large clump utilizes Bougainvillea Bougainvillea 'Ms Manila.' It's a beautiful orange-golden pink color, thus has 3 different colors in one flower. It's a popular variety in Hawaii. It's a shrub and flowers year-round, thus doesn't need replanted. This one has been here for 13 years and will hopefully be here another 13 years.

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By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn

With a little change in our gardening protocol we can add herbs to our gardening plan and, that can play an important part in supporting our internal health. To learn more click here. for an interesting article

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