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Show #2/1902
Landscape Makeover

Create A Natural Environment

What they have attempted to do with this property is CREATE A NATURAL, SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT THAT DUPLICATES WHAT ONE SEES IN THE SURROUNDING DESERT. In the desert one sees texture, subtle color, elevation changes, accent plants like Saguaros, one sees scarcity, density and repetition. And, that's what they have tried to accomplish here. In the desert, in the low areas, where the water is, one finds foliage, critters, a blue oasis. They have used different elements to accomplish the look. They used rock, plants and elevation change. Importantly, simple doesn't need to be boring. Simple is hard to do. Oftentimes we over think it and get a mess. Dr. Rick likes the way the environment is brought right up to the house. And that was the idea. With an English profusion garden there is a splash of color, one has a border that marks one area from the next. Here they tried to make it look as if the house sprang up out of the desert. It's organic to the site and provides a real sense of place in the southwest. Nothing artificial, yet at the same time, very stunning.

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By Carrie Spoonmore for ParkSeed

In a world dominated by technology and fast-paced living there is something soothing about connecting with nature through crafts. Click here for an interesting article that highlights some crafts we can make using dried flowers, herbs, and vegetables along with simple instructions on how to dry and prepare them.

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