Show #4/1904
Gardening in Maui
Flower Named After A Greek God
Proteas are family of plants named after the Greek god, Proteus. He could change his face at will. There are a huge variety of plants in this family and they're all different, a very unique plant. It came from Australia and
South Africa and was brought to Maui by the University of Hawaii Extension service because they realized that the Macadamia nut grows here and it is a Protea. Thus it was decided that Protea could become an industry for Maui
and is now rather unique to Maui. Warren shows several of the more interesting Proteas in this garden. The 1st is Leucospermum Catherinae 'Catherine-Wheel Pincushion. One can easily see why it is so named because it looks like
a pincushion. It will last 2 weeks as a flower. Protea 'Maui Gold' is a hybrid developed by the University Extension Service and is pure gold in color. Protea lepidocarpodendron 'Black Mink' is unusual in that one doesn't see
many black flowers. The biggest flower in the garden is Protea cynaroides 'King Protea.' Its flower can sometimes weigh as much as 5 pounds and will last 6 weeks as a cut flower. The signature Protea for this garden is the
Banksia spinulosa 'Hairpin Banksia' which has a beautiful orange color.