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Show #21/2808. An Artists Seaside Cottage

Tips For Designing Your Gardens

Diane was concerned that when she first described these gardens to Joe that he would think it was going to be a hodge podge because there were so many different types of gardens. And when one thinks about it there are many different gardens. For example, there is a Dahlia garden by Susan's studio and that relates to Susan's studio, in the front of the house there is a very whimsical seaside look and that relates to the front of the house, plus not only does it relate to the house but the rooms inside, but the back of the house is more modernistic and when in those rooms, which are more contemporary, when looking out what one is viewing works with that environment. One would never put a loose vegetable garden off of a formal dining room. It wouldn't work with that formal setting. Diane thinks one should create gardens that work with each individual room plus the garden should reflect the architecture of the house. Once you start working within that framework it will allow you to develop a number of different gardens based upon your own interests, whether that be vegetables and herbs or flowers. And that is Diane's take-away. Design gardens after understanding the look of the rooms that overlook your gardens as well as considering the architecture of your home.

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