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Show #34/2908
Birthplace Of Ecological Restoration

Native Plants Can Provide Diversity And Beauty

Joe is amazed at what we've seen and learned today. The diversity and beauty is more than he expected. The message Susan would like all in our audience to take from this show is that everyone, if they're using appropriate regional plants and matching them up to a native type of site, be it sunny or shady, can end up with a really nice, interesting planting area. One can begin small. For example, start with a border, don't try to turn your whole yard into a native garden at first. Plant the appropriate plants, you'll find a lot of diversity, a lot of beauty, then a lot of animal life will appear, a habitat will develop. It's fun to work in these areas and one learns a lot while working in them. Joe reminds everyone that your local county extension agent and office should have plenty of information available about native plants. County extension agents are a great resource for this type of garden.


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