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Show #50/4211. Gardening In Shade And On Steep Slopes

Planting Impatiens In A Waterfall

Demaris mentions the Impatiens growing in the cracks of the waterfalls. She had always used impatiens to add color by the pond but because they need so much water she started to plant them with their feet wet. They are growing within the liner and they get water all the time. Same with the begonias that have grown into mounds. People always ask about them, even the bloggers. Most think they will rot but they don't, they grow beautifully and she never needs to water them. It really is a creative way to add color to a water feature. Many aquatic plants don't add that color. Eric thinks that the reason they're able to survive in so much water is because of the dissolved oxygen in the water. There are many different elevation changes and the water is getting churned up as it goes around the corners of the creek which makes it possible to grow these plants in this setting. If this was more of a bog there might not be enough oxygen to support plants.

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By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn

With a little change in our gardening protocol we can add herbs to our gardening plan and, that can play an important part in supporting our internal health. To learn more click here. for an interesting article

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