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Show #31/5305. The Exploding World Of Farmer's Markets

Tips from the Pros

Eric wants to know - As gardeners there are so many things that we learn along the way that every year makes us, hopefully, that much wiser. Eric would like to explore some of the things that Lori has learned in the world of vegetable gardening.

Well they've learned a lot about the types of plants that they want to plant next year. They’ve learned that they want to focus more on quality over quantity of plants. They’ve also looked into the types of fabric that they lay down for the plants. White fabric versus the black fabric and what time of year to put it down and what plants should be going into them and when. The white did really well for them for the early summer planting because they didn't want the ground to be heated up so much underneath. For the spring planting they used the black plastic. They were going to try and reuse some of the black fabric for fall. But when they put in their fall plants they learned very quickly the heat and the black plastic does not mix. They had a lot of wilting that occurred but recouped very well and learned that next year when they do their second planting in the fall they will definitely go with the white fabric because they don't need that much heating of the soil.

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By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn

With a little change in our gardening protocol we can add herbs to our gardening plan and, that can play an important part in supporting our internal health. To learn more click here. for an interesting article

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