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Show #51/6212. Planning And Planting A Garden #5

Dwarf Conifers

This area is strictly dwarf conifers. One would want to select four to six plants and determine their sun location. One finds full sun in this garden in one area, in another area, it's part sun. Full sun is six hours or more per day, part sun is four to six hours of sun and part shade is usually four to six hours of filtered high shade areas. Here they have all three. So they had to select the plants that would grow in each of those areas. It’s also important to select the plants that are going to grow in your zone. Jim’s zone in this garden is seven and eight. He doesn't have to worry about them freezing because they'll go to temperatures of minus 20, 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. So they don't have freeze problems, but do worry about the summer heat. So Jim had to make sure he came up with a selection of plants that would tolerate zone seven and eight summer heat.

One can see the varying colors of green in all of these plants. All different shades of green and chartreuse green add lots of excitement placed here and there. Scatter them so you see all colors around the garden. There are grays in the plant colors as well as blue-grays mixing in. All these various colors are evident even in winter. Then the dry stream flows down the hillside and through the valley. One is either looking up at the plants on one side side or a view over the tops looking down.

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By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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