Show #21/6408. A Community Garden Designed With Sustainability In Mind
Consider Raised Beds
Especially when growing vegetables it's important to have the soil tested. Another way to take charge is to utilize raised beds. Raised beds provide lots of opportunities. One is the soil. We don't always know what we're planting in when we come into an abandoned lot or field. We can't be sure about the history. Raised beds are a great option. You can add the type of soil you want in the bed.
Sometimes the best design in a garden is the simplest design, one that achieves what we want functionally as well as aesthetically. These are attractive beds and are something the home gardener could easily put together and they should last for years. These were constructed using 2 by 6's with 4 by 4 corner posts screwed together with deck screws. It's an easy construction. For older people like Bill a raised bed makes life easier, there is less bending. If gardening with children, it's good because they can reach right in and work both sides of the bed without trampling the soil. It also provides a higher water column which makes for better drainage. Bill has used a weed fabric to line the beds. The fabric keeps the soil in place.
By: Kate MacLean for Gardener’s Supply, photos by Suzanne DeJohn
With a little change in our gardening protocol we can add herbs to our gardening plan and, that can play an important part in supporting our internal health. To learn more click here. for an interesting article
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