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Show #30/6904. After The Landscape Plan-Consider Topography, Plants, Hardscape

Before Selecting Plants - Consider Your Space

When Jim meets with a client he wants to first talk to the client and find out what they want, then after he listens he usually says, let's go out in your garden space and talk about the space. Because that’s the area they're going to have to be selecting plants for. Once outside and walking around, the client will typically want all these flowering plants but have this fairly large tree in the garden, it's not a real big residence, it has limited space, but the tree is going to take up a lot of the sun. So the question then is “Have you considered removing that tree?” If you truly want flowering plants, maybe you should take the tree out. One needs to think about these things. It's a big decision, but if the site's not appropriate, you've got to make it more appropriate. If you are convinced you want full sun plants, part sun plants, part shade or shade plants selecting plants for those areas is essential. A larger space could actually have all three groups of plants, smaller spaces - not so much. In a large space, one area could be for full sun, one could be for part sun, one could be for part shade. But that may not be possible with a smaller garden area. This garden, the Inspiration Garden has all three - full sun, part sun, part shade, but you have to select the plants for that space.

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By Ashleigh Smith, True Leaf Market
Photographs courtesy of True Leaf Market

A meal crafted from garden-fresh ingredients is unmatched in flavor. Microgreens and sprouts are always viable options for cultivation this time of year. For more information, click here for an interesting article.

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