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Show #38/7312. Worlds Largest Flower Auction

Tips For Extending Your Bulb Show

A really interesting planting technique used throughout the garden is what's called "LASAGNA PLANTING" and this is a great example of it right here. Eric would like for Hans to talk us through that process? One can see here that they have planted a crocus, then an early tulip. Many have already gone over but several are left. When planting they plant first the last one, it goes in deep, they then make the ground flat, then replant the early tulips above the late tulips, again they make it flat and then they plant the crocus on top of the early tulips. It goes like that so the end of March they have the color of the blue and purple crocus, then half of April it was an orange color tulip but they are already gone and now it's a yellow color so they have three times color on the same area. So again they have six, seven weeks of color in the garden and that is what they want because the people want to see colors. Eric thinks it's a fantastic method and can be used in ground or in container plants. This method provides two months of color from bulbs instead of what otherwise might have been maybe 14 days or so. That's true one can plant them in cans, in baskets and you can do it at home. It's a great tip. Try it and you can see what is coming, it is always a pleasure to see another color coming from the layer you planted in autumn.

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By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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