Past Shows:

Show #1
This week we visit the Philadelphia Flower Show in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Flower Show is the oldest and largest
indoor flower show in the world. It's steeped in tradition - 250,000
visitors, 10 acres of gardens and 140 vendors selling and displaying
everything from seeds to sunrooms. The Show celebrates its 177th
anniversary this year. We'll meet one designer who has been exhibiting
here for 28 consecutive years and another carries on the tradition her
grandfather started decades earlier. This show highlights tabletop
displays, large gardens and more manageable spaces.
Sam Lemheney is Director of Design at the Phily Flower Show. This show
attracts all kinds of people, from gardening experts to weekend
gardeners and people from all over the world. It truly is an
international show. People come and exhibit from Europe, Asia, Ireland
and South America, to name a few. The show has something for everyone,
it features educational opportunities from the gardeners studio to
design elements with floral design exhibitors. Sam invites Garden Smart
viewers to visit the Flower Show and Philadelphia. It is a great city.
We first visit with Jack Blandy of Stoney Bank Nurseries. This year
they have created the central theme of the Show, it is called Enchanted
Spring, a Tribute to Mother Nature. There are three gardens-fire, water
and wind. And they are mother natures enchanted gardens.
We first visit the fire garden. The intent was to create the illusion
of lava flows from the fire turret which goes off every 20 minutes with
a rumble and supposed fire shooting out of the top. The lava flows are
flowers, of course, since this is a flower show. They used Crotons,
which are very colorful and specimen plants like Bromeliad, which is
actually flowering. Jack and his team had to force these plants in
their greenhouses in Glenn Mills, Pa., then bring them here in heated
trucks. They started here with a concrete floor and built the exhibit.
Some of the rocks were brought in from Arizona, they're volcanic-type
rocks. Jack and his group have utilized special lighting that makes the
Croton lava-flow look like it has movement. They've utilized different
textures and leaf forms to go along with and compliment the smaller,
more narrow foliage. Homeowners could utilize these large textures in
their garden, since the large textures contrast with the small textures
it provides a dramatic look.
We next look at the wind exhibit. It is a stylized meadow and they've
created a sense of wind and movement in this exhibit. There are kites
flying overhead and a birdhouse in the meadow. Fans above move the
plants around, providing the sense of movement. Plants are also
utilized to create a sense of movement-Weeping Cedars, the small leaves
on the Ulmus, weeping Redbuds - all create a sense of movement. The
meadow is filled with meadow flowers and ornamental grasses of all
kinds. They have contrasted the small textures of the ornamental
grasses with larger textures highlighting leaf and form. Jack has
included Sedges which are popular and has contrasted the foliage of
Hostas with a new variety of Pieris, called Brouwer's Beauty. It is a
nice plant, doesn't get Lacewing Fly and mites like many of the
Japanese Andromedas. They're great plants for shade. Good color, good
contrast. Even in a shade situation you can have flowers on your plants
although that's not always the most important thing because the flowers
are only around for a short period of time. Jack thinks that is an
important point. Gardeners go out and buy plants in the spring because
they have pretty flowers, those flowers last a short period of time,
then what is left is the plant itself. The gardener then may be
disappointed because their garden is rather flat. Instead think about
texture and form when choosing plants. As well, find plants that have
more than one season of interest.
We next visit the water garden. This is Joe's favorite. It has a lot of
interest. It points out the fact that there are a lot of plants that
are good, in, around and near water. There are more choices than most
realize. Acorus is a water loving plant, it is evergreen, has great
foliage, has a variegated variety and a solid variety. And it is an
easy plant to grow. As well River Birch, Heritage River Birch, grows
great near water. Magnolia Virginiana, a native Magnolia, loves water.
Many native Azaleas, like Swamp Azalea and Flame Azalea like moisture.
Ferns also do well in a wet environment. Some are four-season ferns in
different parts of the country and you get different color with them.
They add a nice texture - the fine texture of the fern leaf compliments
some of the bark like that on the River Birch and some of the larger
foliage on some of the larger plants. Joe Pye Weed attracts butterflies
and bees. Fothergilla is a great 3 or 4 season plant. Anytime you can
get more than 1 season of interest out of a plant, it's a great
advantage. This plant produces brilliant fall color, it is red and
orange and looks like it is on fire. It adapts to the shade and is
brilliant in the sun. It is a great plant, everyone should have one in
their garden. Liqularia has a big, bold leaf and it is placed next to
an Epimedium which has spiky foliage. The texture of plants helps
provide a backbone for the garden for the whole season. That is a very
important design element. Joe also notices different heights, which
provide a layering effect. Jack has created lower plants, mid level
plants and then the tall trees. It is beautiful. Thanks for the tour,
Gardens come in all shapes and sizes and the Philadelphia Flower Show
showcases them all. We found some smaller gardens. Here one designer
has utilized the color white in flowers and foliage and tied that all
into the house, from the shutters to the trim to the structures on the
side walls. Often when we think about color in the garden we think
about utilizing flowers for that. It doesn't need be so. Hostas, for
example, have been utilized to emphasize the color white and that is a
good design technique. The seating area is designed to take full
advantage of and assist in enjoying the view of the garden.
In the exact same space another designer has created a completely
different look and feel. It's more enclosed and intimate. They've done
that by packing in the plant material and using more vertical height.
As well, they've done this on both sides of the garden. Here they've
planted material into wreaths that coordinate plant color with the
wall. They've utilized grays and pinks, tying it into the salmon color.
Another design technique that we see too little is to combine the
foliage and color of leaves with different plants. For example, a
Chartreuse Hosta ties in well with a finely textured Juniper.
Backyard gardens can also be small. In fact, this space is only 12 feet
wide and 14 feet deep. But it's a gardeners garden and there is a lot
going on with trees and shrubs, even a container with fresh herbs. It's
one step out the back door for fresh herbs. Joe likes the technique of
using a tall plant by the door, a Sky Pencil Holly. It will get tall
but stay narrow, thus will never get too big for this space.
We next visit a large, formal garden. You know that several ways.
First, the grand entrance has symmetry. What you see on the left is
mirrored on the right. The designer did that with the fountain, as
well, it's on axis for the main sight line of all entrances to the
garden. When planning plant material they utilized material that would
stay nice and low so it would not obstruct the view of the fountain.
They gave the fountain some vertical interest by placing urns on all
four corners, another example of symmetry. To carry the idea further,
on all four corners are River Birches. In a formal garden it's good to
have straight edges. They did that here and layered it with a good
ground cover of Dwarf Boxwoods and beautiful Knockout Roses to provide
some color. When in the outdoors you want to entertain, thus they've
added a seating element perfectly placed to enjoy the beauty of the
garden and the sound of the fountain.
Entertaining in the garden doesn't have to begin and end with the meal.
There is a lot you can do before and after dining. Joe Palimeno is a
landscape designer and he discusses the concept of vacationing in your
garden. Vacationing in your backyard depends upon the concept of what
one wants to do with the product, how one wants to show the product
that is created. In this area Joe took an area about 40 feet by 40 feet
and created a great outdoor living environment that has not only a
swimming pool that can be used during the day to play and swim and grow
but at nightime it transforms into a fountain with an adjoining built
in seating area that is accessorized with cushions to soften the area.
As well it has a great combination of table and chairs. It's an outdoor
environment that brings you outside the house. You come outside, bring
the meal, cook it, socialize, entertain, sit down for dinner but then
you don't have to go back inside because there is a lot going on
outdoors. Joe has created elevation changes. He has utilized double
sided, segmental retaining blocks that enable one to show both sides,
allowing him to not by necessity pack earth up against the back side.
He can show both sides. He took a flat area, built the different levels
with different, great seating areas. Additionally, he has utilized
beautiful plant material all around to provide a feeling of seclusion
and privacy. The plants soften the area, accessorize it and the space
comes to life. No matter if you're in the country or city this concept
can be adapted to your area. Thanks Joe, this has been a great learning
Eric Johnson provides our Design Tip for the week. A great way to
create accent and intrigue in the garden is using black plants. Black
plants are some of the hottest plants on the market today. Eric has 3
wonderful examples. One is Ophiopogon Nigrescens, Black Mondo Grass. It
has wonderful texture for under plantings in the garden. The next plant
is Colocasia Black Magic, it is great for a tropical feel. It will get
pretty big. One of his all time favorites is Sambucas Black Lace. It is
a fast grower and super cold hardy. So, when looking for plants in your
garden think about black plants for accent. For more information visit
the garden tips section of the website.
Susan LeBoutillier is with Waterloo Gardens and she has created the
feel of separate rooms with a relatively small space. It has an outdoor
eating area where we start. Susan feels it is important to feel like
you're a part of your garden. So, when sitting out here eating
breakfast you feel like you're with the plants and flowers. Joe likes
the way she has blended the colors together, even the colors in the
napkins and the placemats are reflected in the plant material. She has
incorporated sound, utilizing wind chimes as well as artwork on the
wall to reflect a garden theme. Another room is a show stopper and
features a flowering Crabapple. When Susan's family started doing the
Flower Show 12 years ago her father always had a Crabapple in the
display. The Crabapple is a tribute to him, he died 5 years ago. Susan
has designed the surrounding flower bed to match the colors in the
Crabapple blooms, the Tulips match perfectly. Joe also likes the
layers. Tall Conifers in the back to create a screening effect, it
softens the wall, midlevel shrubs, like Viburnums, then plenty of color
down low. It is an important design technique. Thank you Susan.
Chris Ondrak is with the American Institute of Floral Designers and
they have an elaborate display. We start off with one that looks like
Monet's garden. It is incredible. It was done by Steve Parker from
Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Steve took a piece of 2 dimensional art and
turned it into 3 dimensional art. It is spectacular. We next look at
what looks like candles. They are a new product on the market and come
in 9 different colors. It doesn't have a flame, it is a battery pack
light. When outdoors they never blow out. They will normally last about
48 hours but last longer if it is colder. The small battery just pops
out and is easily replaced. We next look at a design that Joe feels he
might be able to manage. It is a beautiful piece done by Richard.
Richard has taken a glass top table and expanded the design above and
below the glass. It has Orchids, shells and different types of Protea.
The design almost seems to go through the table. There are blue rods
that go all the way from top to bottom and they add a lot of vertical
interest. This almost triples the size of the arrangement for little
cost. The blue rods are on the opposite side of the color wheel from
the yellow flowers so they just pop. Another display is deceiving
because at first it appears the stems are going into 3 separate vases
but that's not the case. The vases are just a prop to hold the
centerpiece up. This is designed in a 14 inch bowl. It might be a
little grand for someone at home. In another display, Colleen has taken
an oasis-type foam wreath, soaked it in water then started her design
to match the top piece. This is a piece that could actually fit on your
dining table. Chris shows us a technique that will make your flowers
look a little more professional. It is called a hand-tying method. He
takes the stems and lays one over the other in his hand rather than
putting them at this point in a vase. He spirals them around, this
creates a spiral form which will stay that way into the vase. You'll
see the spiral form. When done, cut the stems with a knife or scissors,
cut on an angle, you don't need to cut them all at once. This will
allow new water to get into the flower in case its been sealed off at
the bottom. Then drop them into a vase with a floral solution. Joe
thanks Chris. It has been a learning experience.
Links ::
The Philadelphia Flower
Hyatt Regency
Philadelphia at Penn's Landing
Stoney Bank Nurseries
Waterloo Gardens
Joe Palimeno
American Institute of Floral Designers
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Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.
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