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Show #26/413
This week Garden Smart visits an historic property, the 127 acre
Frelinghuysen Arboretum located in Morristown, New Jersey. It is a
nationally recognized center for horticultural activity and is not only
a place of beauty but one of learning as well. Each garden teaches a
lesson. The house was a private residence built in 1891 and features
English gardens. In 1971 the property was donated to Morris County.
Today Frelinghuysen Arboretum provides enjoyment and enrichment through
its many well groomed gardens. All inspire and delight the novice and
professional alike and remind us that New Jersey is the Garden State.
Don DiFrancesco was a State legislator in New Jersey for 26 years. He
served 10 years as President of the New Jersey Senate. And, it was
quite an honor for him to be Governor of New Jersey in 2001. As
Governor he was fortunate to see the state from High Point to Cape May.
He attended many functions and visited every county in the State. The
beauty of New Jersey is not talked about enough, not seen enough,
therefore people around the country don't know of its beauty. One can
live on a farm in New Jersey and commute to work in New York City, or
go to the beach on the weekend. New Jersey isn't just the Turnpike, it
isn't just flying into Newark Airport and it isn't just the Sopranos.
They have it all in New Jersey and New Jersey is beautiful. The State
is filled with natural resources. Its coastline is beautiful, the
Appalachian Trail, the Warren and Sussex county Mountains, the hills
and short hills, are all spectacularly beautiful. New Jersey has
anything anyone would want as far as hiking, fishing, sightseeing or
even planting a tree. New Jersey is known as the Garden State because
so many people have gardens, including vegetable gardens, in their
backyards. The Frelinghuysen Arboretum is one of the many sights people
should visit in the state. It's a great location to bring children. Don
welcomes all in the Garden Smart audience and invites everyone to come
and visit. New Jersey is a great state.
Joe meets John Morse, the manager of Horticulture at Frelinghuysen
Arboretum. John has been interested in plants since a young child. He
later attended Cornell University where he earned a bachelor's degree
in botany and horticulture. Following that he earned a Master's degree
in plant pathology. While at Cornell he worked for the Cornell
Botanical Garden and Cornell Plantations. He was there approximately 10
years. After that he became the Curator of Outdoor Gardens at the New
York Botanical Garden, in the Bronx. After working there about 2 and
1/2 years he came here, to the Morris County Park Commission. The
Frelinghuysen mansion was built by George Griswold Frelinghuysen in
1891 as a summer country residence in Morristown. The property is
comprised of about 125 acres and is a wonderful mix of formal and
informal gardens, meadows, trees and shrubs.
In addition to his duties at Frelinghuysen he manages the Willowwood
Arboretum which was the former residence of Henry and Robert Tubbs. It
is located in Chester, New Jersey. He is also in charge of Bamboo
Brook, which is the former residence of landscape architect Martha
Brooks Hutchison.
Joe is anxious to see the Frelinghuysen Arboretum. He and John first
visit the enabling garden. This garden was designed for Arboretum
visitors with physical limitations. To address that, they have
incorporated raised beds. The beds are varying heights. In one,
visitors could garden while standing. The next, a little lower, allows
visitors to access it while sitting. The beds aren't very deep making
it easy to reach into the bed. The plants have also been purposely
selected. They have multi-sensory appeal. The plants are fragrant,
visually interesting or interesting to touch. They also have some
planters accessible from wheelchairs. These have hanging plants on
pulleys, which are designed so that they can be lowered and visitors
can tend them from any height, even from a wheelchair. These hanging
plants are easy to lower and have a knot in the cord so it can't go
down too far. One could sit in the chair, tend to the hanging baskets
and when through, raise it. There are a number of these under the cover
of the pergola allowing several people to work on these plants at the
same time. A wide variety of plants are grown in these containers and
since hanging baskets are great year round there can be activity here
every month of the year.
They next look at some tools from the enabling garden. Many are
designed to make gardening easier for anyone, especially people with
limitations. For example, pruners with a rotating handle help reduce
fatigue. When pruning for an extended period of time, the back and
forth motion can make hands and wrists tired. The rolling action is
designed to make that easier. Another example - when watering, how many
times must one turn the faucet on and off or try to get the sprayer on
the end of the hose? It can be tricky, even if totally capable. With
limitations, one may need assistance. There are some tools that make
that easier. Quick connection devices are helpful. One allows you to
pull a lever and release the watering device. When changing out to
another device with a similar end just push it back in place, with a
click. Joe likes a watering wand with a release trigger. The water is
off until you squeeze the handle, let it go and the water is off. It's
easy, requires very light pressure and it has a nice cushioned handle.
The automatic shut off also helps conserve water. Normally when through
watering one must go back and shut off the water. This is extra work
and requires extra time. Additionally, there are different size
handles, which also makes it easier to control the flow of water. One
watering wand has a curved neck which allows one to get up and into
hanging baskets. This is helpful for someone that has difficulty
reaching heights. If the basket wouldn't lower, water could still be
applied where needed and without straining your body to get the hose up
and in.
There is a new line of tools designed to take pressure and fatigue off
your hand, wrist and forearm. The curved nature of the handle is
designed to create force right from your forearm down into the area
where you're actually digging. They are made of lightweight material,
thus not as heavy and they're a great green color so they look good in
the garden. And they have cushioned grips.
We next visit the Children's Garden, the site of the Branching Out
Program. This program was started in 1974, thus this is the 32nd year
of operation. This area is divided in such a way that each child has
his or her own gardening bed. They've found it to be a very popular
program, there is a waiting list each year. Once children get into the
program they like to come back several years in a row. The gardening
year is divided into 2 sessions. One runs from mid April through late
June, the second early June through early September. The children have
some latitude in what they plant, but they are limited to the types of
plants that John and his group supply. The staff provides transplants
which the children set out in the garden as well as provide the seeds
they directly sow. John thinks some of the most important lessons
taught are some of the tenets of horticulture. The garden is
organically maintained and they don't use synthetic pesticides or
sprays. The principles of integrated pest management (IPM) are taught.
In other words, not all bugs are bad, there are good bugs and bad bugs.
It's a great concept and gardening is a great hook. When you plant a
seed and that little round ball becomes a plant in no time, it's the
closest to magic. John knows, it hooked him.
Joe and John next visit the marsh meadow. It's really a detention
basin, which is a facility designed to gather, hold and release storm
water that is created by the parking lot. The difference between a
detention basin and a retention basin is a retention basin is designed
to hold water and let it slowly sink into the ground. A detention basin
is just designed to slow down the water. The parking lot has about 200
parking places, all impervious material. Imagine a summer downpour and
all the runoff that is generated which could create erosion downstream.
With this system the water comes into the detention pond through a
number of pipes at the perimeter, it gradually fills the detention
basin, then slowly exits through the 3 inch diameter pipe which then
makes its way to the Whippany River. Normally when one sees a detention
pond they're planted with grass or weeds, sort of a monoculture. This
is different, much more bio-diverse. One of their goals at the
Arboretum is to educate people as to possible alternatives. Provide new
ideas and ways to approach different problems. To that end they've
planted a number of native species. This makes sense because in a grass
lined pit one must mow it, fertilize it, put chemicals on it and then
with the runoff of water it contaminates, which eventually gets into
rivers and creeks. Here, with the bio-diverse environment, one achieves
actual filtration without utilizing fertilizers and chemicals,
importantly it reduces the need to even perform maintenance. Other than
periodic weeding, it really is a self-sustaining eco- system. Plants
have been chosen that are appropriate for a wet environment. In looking
at the basin there are 3 distinct zones. The bottom of the basin, is
frequently inundated by water. That area is planted in flood plain
species. Around the margin it is moist. But at the top it's really
quite dry. In the basin, at the bottom, where they have periodic
flooding and drying, they have Blue Flag Iris (Iris virginica), a
native plant. They also have a variety of reeds and rushes. These
handle, even standing, water very well. As one moves up the bank, where
it's not always wet, but often moist, are some interesting shrubs, such
as (Ilex verticillata), Winterberry holly. Its fruits are turning red.
Next to it is Red Twig Dogwood, (Cornus stolonifera), a wonderful
winter interest plant. As well they have Bald Cypress, (Taxodium
distichum). In total there are over 50 different types of plants in
this basin and it's a great example of what can be done ecologically.
This approach makes a lot more sense than a monoculture, which John
thinks is utilized too much today.
Tom Castronovo is a featured columnist with the Gardner News. Tom
believes that for a good looking lawn or a healthy landscape that soil
testing is the answer. It's cost effective and takes the guess work out
of fertilization. There are 2 different ways to test the soil. First,
is a basic soil test, available from your local home gardening center.
This type test provides very basic results. The other type of kit
that's available is from your local county cooperative extension
office. This type kit provides more detailed, professional results.
Either way, it all starts with the soil.
Joe and John next visit an area next to a parking lot. It is planted
with ornamental grasses. There are 2 reasons why these plants are here.
One they wanted to increase the number of ornamental grasses they have
on display and two they wanted to minimize runoff into the parking lot,
then into the detention basin. By looking around one would never know
there is a parking lot just 15 feet away, thus it's a great plant for
screening. Since this is the parking lot this is a tough site, it has
very harsh conditions, full sun, windy, a lot of reflecting light as
well as heat. Yet the plants seem to be thriving. Ornamental grasses
are one of John's favorite plants. He likes their upright habit and
their fine texture. They display movement when the wind blows and they
are great for winter interest when there isn't much else happening in
the garden. There are about 25 different kinds of ornamental grasses
utilized in this area, all with different shapes and sizes. There
should be something for everyone. We look at some of John's favorites.
(Calamagrostis sp) Karl Foster Feather Reed Grass is smaller in size
than other ornamental grasses but has a wonderful upright
inflorescence. It blooms a little earlier than others, blooming in mid
summer, but the inflorescence should last through late fall into early
winter. Once established, these plants are fairly maintenance free.
They are best planted in late summer to early fall. At that time lift
and divide the grass. If transplanting at the Arboretum, they would
probably tie it up and move it at full height just to preserve its
ornamental qualities. When a homeowner transplants, John suggests
cutting off the top half, even two thirds, just to make it more
manageable to move. Without the benefit of a large crew and as an
individual, a smaller plant is easier to work. And cutting it doesn't
seem to set the plant back at all. They're tough plants, the main
challenge is preventing weed growth. Here, to do that, they use organic
mulch, which also helps conserve moisture. Looking at several other
varieties. (Miscanthus sinensis) is virtually all green but does have
beautiful panicles at the top. Next to it is (Miscanthus sinensis),
'Strictus', banded Porcupine Grass. When it comes into flower it will
have small panicles at the top. But before that it has an entirely
different look; wonderful banded variegated foliage that lasts
throughout the summer season, but does develop an inflorescence later
in the season. Another beauty is (Panicum virgatum), a selection of
native Switchgrass, which is a lot bigger. What's great about
ornamental grasses is there are so many choices, so many varieties and
lots of options.
We've had the opportunity to see a lot of established beds throughout
the garden but we've also watched a perennial bed go in. Many of us
either have perennial beds we want to rejuvenate or want to put one in.
What are the virtues of doing that in the fall? Fall is the ideal time
to renovate or restore a perennial garden. The heat of the summer is
over, nights are cooler, we're starting to get dews in the evening, yet
the soil is still warm which promotes root growth and allows the plants
to become established before winter. Good drainage is important. Here
the beds are raised for several reasons. First, it's visually
appealing, it lifts the plants up, providing a visual pop. Secondly, a
raised bed makes it easier to amend the soil. When the soil is amended
a lot of organic material, such as compost, is important. Here they've
added a lot of compost. The organic material will break down, thus it's
important every year to replenish all the nutrients and all of the soil
that's going back into the bed. Compost feeds the plants and it adds
structure to the soil which is important for drainage. After the soil
is ideal, add the perennials. This bed has relatively small groups;
threes and fives for example. They've utilized smaller groupings here
because people are walking close to this garden bed. Also, not all
perennials look good all the time. Thus with smaller groups, that is
not as much a problem. Here they strive for successive blooming to
carry the interest forward over a longer period of time. Adding to the
variety of plants addresses that issue, that way there isn't 1 big bed
of 1 thing in bloom for a couple of weeks, then nothing. Before the
perennials go in the ground they're in their original containers with
the planting mix, a combination of vermiculite and perlite. The mix is
great when in the container but when in the ground the roots need to
spread out into the native soil. So, shake off the potting mix, this
gives the roots the best opportunity to spread out and not have the
roots girdled from the pots. Here, they planted Echinacea purpurea,
Purple Cone Flower, but first cut them back. This plant would die back
on it own, that doesn't mean it's dead because the roots are still
viable, but you want to get out the dead and dying foliage because a
cleaner garden promotes a healthier garden with less chance of disease
in the fall and spring. In addition to the herbaceous perennials
they've added some ornamental shrubs, such as Viburnum. This was balled
and burlaped. It is important to plant properly. Pull back the burlap,
make sure it is the kind that will rot over time rather than the
synthetic type that can hurt the plant if left in place. Plant it at
the height it was growing either in the original garden or in the
container. If there is any type of wire basket around the plant, do
everything possible to cut away as much of the wire as possible. The
plant needs every opportunity for its roots to spread. Anything that
promotes root growth is good. Once everything is in place, top dress
with a nice, organic mulch. This not only makes it look great, dressing
up the plants, it also helps retain moisture which is key in the fall
and the wintertime. Many people think when it's cooler, moisture isn't
as important. But that's when the air is the driest. Thus it is
important to mulch to hold in moisture. Moderate soil temperatures are
important. Mulch is like a blanket, it helps protect the soil
temperatures underneath. Also, mulch is important for a recently
planted garden because it helps keep weeds away, providing a protective
barrier from weed seeds germinating because it keeps light from hitting
the weed seeds. As well there can be diseases in the soil and mulch
keeps those from splashing up and on the plant. By following these
simple steps the garden will look much better in the spring. If we were
to wait and plant in the spring these plants wouldn't look nearly as
good come May or June.
Joe thanks John. From the beauty of the historical home to the newly
planted gardens these grounds are magnificent. Thanks for showing us
Frelinghuysen Arboretum.
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Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.
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