Chicago is Charlie's kind of town. There are magnificent flower beds
all around the city. This week we're behind the scenes in Chicago to
see how gardening is transforming the Windy City into a more beautiful
place to live and work. We view median planting beds along Michigan
Avenue, container gardens in front of business as well as one of
hundreds of neighborhood community gardens. Chicago has become a city
of flowers. Today we learn about the planting and maintenance of these
flower beds as well as how residents are using community gardens to
revitalize their neighborhoods.
Eliza Fournier is the Coordinator for School and Community Gardening
for the Chicago Botanic Garden. In the 4 years she has worked with the
Botanic Garden she's assisted in the creation and enhancement of over
200 school and community gardens across the Chicagoland area. Eliza
believes she has the perfect job. She meets many different people, in
different neighborhoods and creates beautiful gardens, often where
there were once vacant lots strewn with trash. From the Mayor on down
the people of Chicago support the greening effort.
We first look in the middle of Michigan Avenue, the heart of the
business district. Douglass Hoerr is a landscape architect and since
1993 Doug and his firm have been designing the median beds throughout
the Michigan Avenue area. Doug tells us the story of how he somewhat
accidentally started in Chicago. He had just returned from England
working with people like Beth Chatto, John Brooks and Allen Bloom where
he had had an English sort of experience-gardening and growing things
and advancing the love of plants. He was asked by Crate and Barrel to
look at their new store opening on Michigan Avenue. The original plan
had been to put in some basic plants like Chrysanthemums but Doug
thought it would be great to do a real perennial garden on Michigan
Avenue, to change them out 3 or 4 times a year and to celebrate
Chicago's seasons. Mayor Dailey saw the finished product at Crate and
Barrel and asked Doug to get involved on a bigger scale. So, it started
in one little area and has expanded since then. The first year they
planted about 7,000 square feet and Doug had a staff of one. He
experimented with different plants, not knowing what would grow because
conditions can change within a half block. Some planters get sun a half
a day, some get hardly any sun. Today they have about 30,000 square
feet in the middle of the Avenue. In other cities you might see beds of
Petunias and a Locust Tree but here there is a mixing of Annuals,
Perennials and Shrubs. Doug calls it a mixed border look which he feels
people respond to, something they might aspire to have at home.
Similarly to when you choose a pot at home and it's the wrong scale;
the giant pots along Michigan Avenue are on a scale with the City.
Since they're in the city they need to be large and they are elevated
so you can see them out of the windshield. Doug feels that this
reinforces the power of public horticulture. You can put a ton of money
into paving and curbs and gutters and all those things must happen but
dollar for dollar when you put it into greening you get the most
wonderful feedback for the least amount of money. It changes the
perception of an area, the area looks like it has pride, looks like it
is on its' way up. It demonstrates - this city can get it right. These
plantings are so dramatic that when driving by in a car or when sitting
in a car they're noticeable. Doug believes we're a windshield society.
We choose our shopping malls and restaurants visually. When they look
run down or beat up you think -do I really want to go there? No, you
really don't. You make a snap judgment. What these plantings have done
is created a very beautiful face lift for Chicago. Even more than that
it has instilled community pride, people feel proud to say where
they're from. Shoppers will visit in the Spring, then come back in the
Fall. It's not static, architecture is static, plants grow and change.
Doug wants these plants to be exuberant, he wants them to be irreverent
of the architecture, he wants them to stand up in terms of structure
and scale to the great buildings in Chicago. It is mixing landscape
with architecture in its truest form.
Since they plant these out several times a year Doug makes the change
at night when there's not a lot of traffic. The reason they do it at
night is because during the first couple of years when they were
changing the plants people would stop their cars in the middle of the
street and ask gardening questions. What are you planting, can I have
one of those, is this tax money, etc.? It is not, on this part of
Michigan Avenue it is all privately funded. The police said the work
was causing problems, they wanted it done at night. So now Doug and his
staff of 30 do it at night. They place each plant first at the
contractors, then come and plant them along Michigan Avenue. They start
at 7 PM and work each night until done. It now takes almost 2 weeks in
the spring. At first people asked why there weren't more Geraniums,
Marigolds and other common plants. Doug feels everyone looks at gardens
differently. He likes plants growing through plants and he likes things
spilling over the side. He likes architecture in his plantings, he
feels it necessary to have architecture in this city. For example look
at the spires and mass. If there were just delicate flowers, pretty
pinks and blues against all the concrete and gray and asphalt the
plants wouldn't stand out. Thus the color selection must be brighter
and the color contrast greater than might be used at home, and it must
be big, otherwise it would be eaten up by the overall ambience of the
Charlie and Doug next take a close up look at one of the median
planters, carefully dodging the taxis as they cross the street. When
Doug is designing one of these planters he has some basic design
elements in mind. They have a mixed border, in other words there is
height in the foreground and things spilling over the side. Although it
is now early in the season as they grow they will drape almost to the
ground. To accomplish this he utilizes cascading Coleus, Blacky and
Chartreuse Sweet Potato. Don't get spooked by the scale, even at home.
Put the centerpieces in, the big structures then do some edging
treatment. You'll get plants ducking through and onto the edge and
plants growing through other plants. Doug calls this casserole
plantings because there are so many things in these containers.
Casseroles taste good because there is so much in them, likewise these
plantings succeed because of the variety of plantings. Light conditions
change, climate changes, something is always happening. Some plants
will thrive, others may not, some will take over an area. Also people
want these to look good the day they're planted, we don't have patience
as a society, we want instant nice. Some plants will get eaten, some
have early color, some will get swallowed by other plants. Ultimately
they all fight it out and you end up with interesting combinations.
These are great lessons to remember at home, when putting together a
container there are several different approaches. You can put them in
all at once and then move them around or pull some out when too big or
like Doug let a few take over, let Mother Nature create the artistic
pallet. Sometimes that's the best surprise. Doug is very conscious
about form and structure. He likes some height and boldness and leaf
texture. When he worked with Beth Chato in England she taught him early
on that you don't need color if you have form and texture. A plant will
hold its' own even if in black and white if it has interesting form
and/or texture. Thus, Doug pays attention to leaf texture and contrast.
As examples Doug cites plants that are sprawlers or vertical and spiky
or plants with volume. He thinks about plants in black and white trying
to design with just that in mind. Would he have leaf contrast, good
form, juxtapositioning, would he have those plants displayed if nothing
bloomed. These thoughts are helpful because sometimes plants don't
bloom, for example if it is cool or if they don't get off to a good
start. Look at an Osteospermum next to a Cordyline, place a
Plectranthus leaf next to those. You see the different texture. For
many people this is as close to a botanical garden as they'll get. He
wants to expose those people to different plants. They might then put
something on their roof top garden or their balcony. These plantings
can foster the idea that more urban gardening, more green means better
air quality, heat island lowering, things like that. That is one reason
Doug scrambles to change the plant mix each year. Doug also likes the
plants in the containers to be irregular, for there to be voids and
shadows. In this container there are deep blue Petunias that aren't
readily visible. But they add depth and shadow, the container doesn't
look like one big mass. There are areas of recess light as you would
see in nature. This type of planting with a lot of plants also helps
keep weeds under control, in more formal gardens you notice weeds more.
Charlie thanks Doug for showing us these beautiful downtown gardens.
Between the colors and textures and the health of the plants it has
been an inspiration.
Nancy Clifton with the Chicago Botanic Garden shows us this week how to
make hypertufa spheres. They are rock like spheres and are a very hot
gardening trend right now. A hypertufa mix is an equal mix of Sphagnum
Moss, concrete and sand. Mix them with water until you get a
consistency of cottage cheese. For this project she uses a fish bowl, a
hammer, dust mask and wears protective eyeware. Make the hypertufa mix,
fill the fishbowl, then wrap it with several shopping bags. Once
slightly hard, after about 24 hours, break the fishbowl, peel off the
glass then with a wire brush scrape the sphere to give it a rock like
consistency. Then let it cure for several more days, it will have
hardened and look beautiful in your garden. Even in Chicago it can stay
outside all winter. If you like the sphere you might also want to try a
hypertufa trough.
We've seen the beautiful gardens in downtown Chicago, but there are
beautiful gardens throughout the city. Today we visit the North
Lawndale area and visit with Velma Johnson the President of the North
Lawndale Greening Committee. Velma tells us about this garden. It was
started 3 years ago with small grants. This area was filled with
abandoned buildings and on this spot a building had been torn down. The
idea was to take this land and make a garden and activities area, an
area where community members could gather and enjoy themselves and
beautify the area. Before the garden was started not a lot of good was
happening in this location, it was filled with abandoned cars, trash
and illegal activities. The idea was to bring something positive into
the community. Once the garden was started the attitude changed, people
started joining in and helping out. There are about 10 community
gardens in the North Lawndale area. They started clearing vacant lots
and putting in gardens with the intent of beautifying the area. Block
clubs started picking up. Some of the gardens have been in existence
for over 20 years. Although most of the volunteers are elderly
residents, children do help during the summer months. The gardens
entice both young and old to come together and work together. Velma
would like to see more younger people becoming involved but believes
that may happen because the neighborhood is attracting younger families
that are buying homes. Different groups also offer assistance. The Open
Lands Project is helpful as is the Chicago Botanic Garden group and the
Department of Environment provides plants throughout the year to keep
the gardens going. These are truly community gardens.
This garden is the African Heritage Garden, since this is a
predominately black community. It affords an opportunity to educate
younger people about their African heritage. The idea was to bring in
plants native to Africa. We first view some grasses, in fact the area
looks like a savanna, you can almost see a lion. It has been difficult
gardening in these conditions. When the buildings were torn down they
were just pushed over, nothing was dug up. Thus you can't go down, you
need to bring everything up. Most gardens have mounds, raised beds or
planter boxes. That is a great tip when gardening in an urban
environment, often you won't know what's underneath. It could be paint,
old buildings, lots of things, so bring in soil, raise things up,
create berms. If growing things like a Black Locust tree it will do
much better in a berm than trying to grow it among old concrete. Velma
has also included a pergola in this garden. In Africa this would be a
shade house, because it is so hot in Africa it provides a place to
walk, to stop and rest. Velma has Trumpet Vines growing around the
pergola that will eventually grow on and up either side and offer
shade. As well they have Honeysuckle vines and Clematis and eventually
they hope to add climbing Roses. They also hope to add a concrete pad
and add a round house, which will be a great place to hold workshops.
This too is a traditional African structure. Vegetables have also been
planted. They've planted tomatoes, cabbage, beets, okra, greens,
peppers, beans and onions but their most prized crop is peanuts. They
have never grown peanuts before and are watching the progress. They
give much of the produce to the community but some is sold to the local
market. This activity provides a learning experience for the youth of
the area. The kids see how things are grown, they then harvest it and
take the goods to market. This helps develop business skills,
marketing, math, etc. The money made selling the produce then is used
in the community.
Vandalism isn't a problem in the garden, everyone is very protective of
it. Community members see the garden as a beautifying force in the
community, they see it as a positive not a negative.
Today there are a lot of people working in the garden. As well as
neighbors there is a religious group from St. Paul Minnesota which
comes every year to volunteer in the gardens.
The last garden we view today is in the shape of Africa. In this garden
are plants native to Africa. Its shape is outlined with Marigolds which
will be in full bloom within a few weeks. It is beautiful today and
will be even prettier when in full bloom.
Thank you Velma for showing us this beautiful garden. It should be an
inspiration to many in our audience all around the country. It
certainly has been to many in the North Lawndale community. Velma says
she loves it.
Chicago Botanic Garden
Douglas Hoerr, landscape architect
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