Camellia Collection
Leu Gardens is famous for many things, ONE IN PARTICULAR IS THE
CAMELLIA COLLECTION. It is the largest collection of its kind outside
California. It has 2500 individual plants, 500 selections or cultivars,
it is a very nice collection. It blooms from October through March, so
there is always something to see in the wintertime. They're trying to
build up their species collection to over 50 and are always searching
for varieties that are historical in nature or those that were released
to the trade prior to 1940.
Click here for more info
Tropical Looking Plants
Even though Orlando is not in the tropics people, when visiting, EXPECT
TO SEE TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS. So, they have expanded on Mr. Leu's
collection to include a large number of tropical looking plants that
can withstand cold temperatures. Joe gets a sense we're in a tropical
setting because it's so lush and enclosed. We first view their Tropical
Stream Garden. Their Robellini Date Palm grows outdoors in Orlando but
would be a wonderful plant for northern gardeners to place in a
container. Put it on the patio or on a balcony when temperatures are
warm, when it gets cool bring it back indoors and it will grow well
Click here for more info
Turning A Wet Area Into A Rock Garden
tried to grow grass but it died. They tried growing it again then
realized they were doing exactly what they tell homeowners not to do.
Wrong plant, wrong place. So they let the grass die, brought in forty
seven tons of rock and planted a rock garden. All the plants in this
area now like wet feet, yet they flower and they have great texture.
This has become one of the more popular gardens here. Louisiana Iris
does well, especially in the summer heat, Calalily likes moist roots
and they like the afternoon shade. And Alstroemeria is a great cut
flower, it lasts a long time and can be grown in the ground or in
containers. Begonias are another of their great collections.
Click here for more info
Residential or Idea Gardens
They have a bird garden, shade garden and others. The gardens are all
labeled, so one will see people out there with their pads and pencils
taking notes.
Click here for more info
Shade Garden
trial plants from all over the world, bring plants here from temperate
areas of the world, try them here where it gets pretty hot and they see
if they perform well. Then they introduce them to the public where they
will hopefully include that plant into their plant pallet when
landscaping their yard. One example is an Acanthus, a spiny Acanthus.
They bought it at a garden center when in Georgia but didn't expect it
to do well here.
Click here for more info
Herb Garden
WE NEXT VISIT THE HERB GARDEN, located right off the kitchen, which
makes sense. Dill is one of the first things we notice because it is in
full flower. It's a culinary herb, can be used in a lot of fish recipes
as well as others. It is also a good food habitat for Swallow Tail
Butterflies. Penny Royal is also great. You can pick up a small piece,
rub it on your skin, some use it as an alternative to mosquito
repellent. And, it smells nice.
Click here for more info
Butterfly Garden
shrubs, annuals and perennials. All attract butterflies. They have even
included a little bird bath, placed it at ground level, filled it with
sand and the irrigation keeps the water level constant. That is why the
butterflies come to drink. It's called a muddle, a mud puddle. The
butterflies take their nutrients from the minerals in the mud.
Children, as well as adults, love this garden. When they planted this
garden they did all the needed research, placed the ideal plants around
the garden then broke for lunch. When they came back from lunch the
butterflies and hummingbirds had already found the plants and they
weren't even in the ground yet.
Tom MacCubbin is a county extension agent in Orlando Florida and has
been one for over 35 years. He has his own TV and radio program and has
written 6 books about Florida gardening. Tom likes this gardening
climate. During the summertime it is hot, thus they grow tropicals -
plants that can take the heat. He likes the fall, which starts around
the middle of August - that's when he can plant warm season crops -
tomatoes, peppers, squash, even flowers that are normally grown in more
northern areas. To Tom, fall through regular spring feels like spring
everywhere in the country. This is just a great place to be a gardener
and there is no better place for gardeners to visit in the area than
Leu Gardens.
Robert Bowden is the Executive Director of Leu Gardens and has an
extensive horticulture background. Before Leu Gardens he was Director
at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Director of Horticulture at the
Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, Director of Horticulture at Old
Westbury Gardens on Long Island, worked at the Charles Stewart Mott
estate in Michigan and at a small botanical garden in Tallahassee.
Robert feels that without question his present job is the best job in
Leu Gardens is famous for many things, ONE IN PARTICULAR IS THE
CAMELLIA COLLECTION. It is the largest collection of its kind outside
California. It has 2500 individual plants, 500 selections or cultivars,
it is a very nice collection. It blooms from October through March, so
there is always something to see in the wintertime. They're trying to
build up their species collection to over 50 and are always searching
for varieties that are historical in nature or those that were released
to the trade prior to 1940. They can get the newest and greatest but
want the older ones. At Leu Gardens they've discovered that no one is
doing that, so they are.
Robert feels people, when visiting, first notice the Live Oak Trees
that are hanging with Spanish Moss. What makes this collection so
special is the dappled overstory shade, the well drained soil, lots of
annuals and the largest Rose garden in Florida. There is plenty to see.
Even though Orlando is not in the tropics people, when visiting, EXPECT
TO SEE TROPICAL LOOKING PLANTS. So, they have expanded on Mr. Leu's
collection to include a large number of tropical looking plants that
can withstand cold temperatures. Joe gets a sense we're in a tropical
setting because it's so lush and enclosed. We first view their Tropical
Stream Garden. Their Robellini Date Palm grows outdoors in Orlando but
would be a wonderful plant for northern gardeners to place in a
container. Put it on the patio or on a balcony when temperatures are
warm, when it gets cool bring it back indoors and it will grow well
indoors. Joe likes the idea that one can get height and structure out
of a tree, still call it a tropical plant yet it can grow in a
We next look at a type of Heliconia, called Holiday. It can be used as
a tropical annual and can be found at many garden centers - not in the
landscape section but in the houseplant section. Take these plants put
them in your garden spring, summer, fall - it provides an incredible
amount of color. But at the end of the season throw it out, treat it
like an annual.
Joe notices a Mexican Weeping Bamboo. It is one of Robert's favorites.
It provides texture and height and that's important in the garden. It
is a clumping type, rather than spreading type, that is the only type
they have at Leu Gardens. They don't want to show the running forms,
have people go home, plant that kind, then have them come up in their
neighbors yard. That is an important note - there is a clumping Bamboo
and a spreading Bamboo - try the clumping Bamboo. It's tamable and
Bromeliads epitomize tropical, according to Robert. They come in a wide
variety of colors, textures and forms and many have blossoms that are
spectacular. Robert feels Bromeliads are one of the easiest plants to
grow. Northern gardeners should go to the houseplant section then plant
them in the yard. Robert can't think of another plant that produces the
amount of color. They're fairly inexpensive, they grow well and when it
starts getting cold they make great houseplants. But outdoors they're
tough and fairly pest and disease resistant.
Bromeliads are special and, again, can be grown in a container outside
spring, summer and fall. When it starts getting a little cool bring it
inside, grow it all winter long, then put it back in the garden. After
3 or 4 years, it should bloom. Unfortunately after it is through
blooming it will die but the good news is that it will bloom for
several years. As it starts to decline, it'll produce little pups or
tiny plants at the base so when the main plant dies, you dig it up,
chop off the little pups, put those in a container and you have new
plants again. Bromeliads have fabulous flowers, one looks like the tip
of a matchstick. Another Bromeliad is native to Argentina and has major
spines, thus acts as a great security plant for Robert. It prevents
people from walking or cutting through certain areas. This plant can
take temperatures down to the teens.
Bromeliads are a large family that contains many different types. So if
you want blooms in the spring you can get those, if you want blooms in
the fall, you can get that. They are easy to grow but they do like a
little overstory shade and they like it moist.
Joe next notices some Elephant Ears. When he thinks of tropicals these
plants come to mind. They provide a really rich texture and provide
height. It's hard to find other plants that will provide their leaf
Bananas say tropical in a big way, as well. There is nothing like
getting up in the morning, picking a banana off a tree and putting it
on your cereal. They come in many different flavors - vanilla, peanut
butter, there is even one that tastes like strawberry ice cream.
tried to grow grass but it died. They tried growing it again then
realized they were doing exactly what they tell homeowners not to do.
Wrong plant, wrong place. So they let the grass die, brought in forty
seven tons of rock and planted a rock garden. All the plants in this
area now like wet feet, yet they flower and they have great texture.
This has become one of the more popular gardens here. Louisiana Iris
does well, especially in the summer heat, Calalily likes moist roots
and they like the afternoon shade. And Alstroemeria is a great cut
flower, it lasts a long time and can be grown in the ground or in
containers. Begonias are another of their great collections. They have
taken what would ordinarily be considered an indoor plant and planted
it in the ground because they recognized Begonias like moist roots.
They have performed well here.
Robert says they listened to their visitors. They said "we love the
gardens, we're inspired by the gardens and we want to do some of these
very same things at home. But they're so large. How do we scale it
GARDENS. They have a bird garden, shade garden and others. The gardens
are all labeled, so one will see people out there with their pads and
pencils taking notes.
Many people work long hours but still enjoy their gardens, it's
enjoyable to go outside after dinner and stroll the garden. But
oftentimes, because it's late, there's not much to look at. So what
about an evening garden? Robert has one. Here there aren't a lot of
flowers instead a lot of color and a lot of different textures. The
foliage provides the color. Cordyline is a good example, nice colors
and textures. Same with the Bromeliads, easy to care for and brightly
variegated foliage. Another great plant in an evening garden is the
variegated Fatsia. It is on the unusual side, if you're a hunter you
can probably find one. It provides texture and color. Another surprise
in this garden is the Tasmanian Flax Lilly Dianella. When they bought
this plant from the grower it was in full sun, so they planted it in
full sun and it didn't do anything, it just sat there. Sometimes you
need to move things around. Robert's father used to say that a
perennial garden is in the wheelbarrow four times. So, they dug it up,
moved it to another location in the shade and it took off. Since then
it's been truly spectacular. Don't be afraid to move a plant, maybe
it's in the wrong location, find a happy place for the plant. It'll let
you know.
Everything in Florida isn't in full sun, especially under these
IN THE SHADE. Here they trial plants from all over the world, bring
plants here from temperate areas of the world, try them here where it
gets pretty hot and they see if they perform well. Then they introduce
them to the public where they will hopefully include that plant into
their plant pallet when landscaping their yard. One example is an
Acanthus, a spiny Acanthus. They bought it at a garden center when in
Georgia but didn't expect it to do well here. Robert thought what is
the worst that can happen. It will die. They brought several gallon
pots back, planted them in the Shade Garden and it has done
wonderfully. It looks great, has great texture and as far as Robert
knows, is a first for Florida. It makes a bold statement, it's really
We next look, in the shade garden, at a coffee plant. It's a great
plant when you have high dappled overstory shade. It could be a great
container plant for people further north where it's a little cooler.
Bring it inside, put it in a bright sunny location and you'll get
coffee beans, just like they do here. Joe asks, OK we're in the shade
but you're talking about putting it in a bright sunny location in a
container? Robert says, yes even the brightest bright light in a house
is still going to be partly shaded, so it's probably best that you put
it in as bright a light as you can, behind sheers or something like
that in your home. That will work well. It should grow beans just like
here. The red beans are exactly what you want to pick. But as one looks
down the stalk there are different colored beans. When they say in the
ads that they pick one bean at at time, that is what they mean and how
it works because they all ripen at different times. Open the bean up,
it will then need to be roasted. At Leu they have mixed the
aforementioned Cordyline in with other plants, the Blue Sky Vine is an
example. It is a wonderful plant to use. In this setting they've taken
tropical plants and mixed them with temperate plants. A good temperate
plant not normally used in Florida, although used all over the country,
is Mahonia or Oregon Grape Holly. It has a great texture, lots of
berries and is a great food source for animals. Persian Shield or
Strobilanthes is also utilized. Robert likes this plant used in mixed
perennial containers. It is an excellent plant it you're looking for
something different and tropical looking. It grows like a weed, so be
careful where you put it.
WE NEXT VISIT THE HERB GARDEN, located right off the kitchen, which
makes sense. Dill is one of the first things we notice because it is in
full flower. It's a culinary herb, can be used in a lot of fish recipes
as well as others. It is also a good food habitat for Swallow Tail
Butterflies. Penny Royal is also great. You can pick up a small piece,
rub it on your skin, some use it as an alternative to mosquito
repellent. And, it smells nice.
Next we have Dandelion. Many people try to get rid of Dandelion but
it's a great herb, Robert uses it in salads. It is almost like a Maskal
herb, a bitter herb. Spearmint is next and is great in iced tea.
Rosemary is always popular in an herb garden, chop the leaves and use
them in recipes or use the long sticks as skewers for shish-kabobs. It
will infuse the meat with the Rosemary flavoring from the inside out
adding a great taste. Harvest the leaves of the Bay Laurel, they are
great in soups and stews. It also makes a great container plant. If
looking for a dark shrubby plant that looks great on your terrace,
think about Bay Laurel.
Eric Johnson shares his Tips and Ideas again this week. There is no
question that fresh herbs are substantially better than dry herbs that
you buy from the grocery store. Basil has an amazing fragrance and
flavor that isn't found in dried herbs. Eric shows us a number of
containers specially designed to keep herbs evenly moist throughout the
entire growing season, allowing you to have fresh herbs right at your
fingertips. To keep them growing, find a nice, sunny window. Eric has
chosen French Tarragon, Thyme and makes a pesto out of a beautiful
variegated Basil.
shrubs, annuals and perennials. All attract butterflies. They have even
included a little bird bath, placed it at ground level, filled it with
sand and the irrigation keeps the water level constant. That is why the
butterflies come to drink. It's called a muddle, a mud puddle. The
butterflies take their nutrients from the minerals in the mud.
Children, as well as adults, love this garden. When they planted this
garden they did all the needed research, placed the ideal plants around
the garden then broke for lunch. When they came back from lunch the
butterflies and hummingbirds had already found the plants and they
weren't even in the ground yet.
The City of Orlando owns and operates this park. It is right in the
middle of downtown and it is spectacular. Robert appreciates the
support from the people in the city of Orlando. Joe is inspired and
impressed and thanks Robert. This is truly a great garden for the state
of Florida.
In a world dominated by technology and fast-paced living there is something soothing about connecting with nature through crafts.
Click here for an interesting article that highlights some crafts we can make using dried flowers, herbs, and vegetables along with simple instructions on how to dry and prepare them.
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