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Plant of the week

Itea Little Henry

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Itea, also known as sweetspire, is a low growing native shrub that grows in masses, wild, along lake and stream banks. While it is well adapted to wet soils, it is perfectly at home in the garden. Little Henry sweetspire is a small selection, 2-3 feet tall and as wide, making it suitable for pot culture or today’s smaller gardens. Since it will stand some soggy soil, you can use it in a Rain Garden. Fuzzy-looking, fat white panicles of flowers sway above the foliage in the summer. In the fall, the foliage launches into reds and oranges. It is adaptable to full sun, light shade, or full shade and is hardy to USDA Zone 5.

GardenSMART Featured Article

By GrowJoy

Pollinators are vital to our continued existence. But you may respond - Winter is here, the pollinators are gone. There are quite a few pollinators that overwinter in or near our garden. click here. for an article that will tell you more about how to encourage pollinators in the winter months.

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