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Plant of the week

Weigela Ghost

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Suntory Texas Summer Double

This garden ghost is friendly. Although the name, Weigela Ghost™ might conjure up visions of white flowers, it is the unusual foliage, not the flowers, that prompts its name. In the southern summers, the foliage arrives a pale yellow, and then fades to mysterious creamy white with just a touch of green. In northern climates, the foliage sprouts yellow and then transforms to a ghostly buttery white for the rest of the summer. In either climate, the wine red flower clusters are striking above the milky foliage. Spring bloom is the heaviest, but there are flowers throughout the rest of the growing seasons. Hummingbirds find them irresistible.

This Ghost prefers full sun in northern climes and benefits from a little high shade in the South. Plant in well-drained garden soil in USDA Zones 4-8.

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